The West will never win the hearts and minds of the Iraqis, if this keeps happening.

Have I missed something? Does the West give a fuck about winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqis?:mad:

I certainly don't, but according to the powers that be...
Since the weapons of mass destruction story proved to be a fairy tale, the military is in Iraq in order to :
A.) fight terrorism,
B.) liberate Iraq of Saddam's brutality, and
C.) create a safe and stable democracy.

In order to have a stable democracy, you must have the people willing to tolerate one another. Which requires that we win their hearts and minds.

After seeing this vid, ya gotta wonder:
A.) Are we creating more terrorists?
B.) Are we replacing brutality with brutality? and
C.) Are we creating a safe haven for terrorism and sadistic dictators who want to blow the west off the face of the Earth?

My guess is that we have already lost their hearts and minds... and the war.

Your question has a pessimistic view of the West.
Why do you liberals hate America ... and Christmas?
OK, I couldn't see the video. Can someone summarize for me? What atrocity perpetrated by Americans does the video show?
It's like anytime you see cops caught on video doing shit they shouldn't be. We don't hear about the thousands and thousands of lives saved, murderers caught etc. We only hear about the handful that fuck-up.
Well, it starts out where a bunch of British troops were chasing down a crowd of Iraqis. they caught up to a few "insurgents" and dragged them around a corner and beat the living shit out of them. You could hear one of them saying dont hit them in the face. lol It was one of the best videos yet. The best part was one of the Iraqis was face down on the ground getting his ass kicked and some soldier comes up and kicked him square in the nuts. I cringed, but it was still funny.:kickass:
Hawng, thanks for the description. I think I have seen this video. If the kids in that video grow up to be suicide bombers, it sure isn't because they got their asses kicked by some soldiers. It would be because of their misinterpretation of their religion.
Are we to leave everyone alone and just hope that they don't grow up to be homocide bombers? Do you really think that if the soldiers had given them ice cream, they might grow up to be doctors or move to america and open a deli called the New Delhi Deli?
I have been jumped a couple of times by some "nubians" when I was younger. For a few weeks, I was all about hating an entire race. Guess what? I eventually got over it. When I grew up a little, I realized that it is ignorant to judge an entire group based on the actions of a few.
they want to set up a "stable democracy" but you know they really mean "a figurehead who will defer to us on any matter of importance"
Well, it starts out where a bunch of British troops were chasing down a crowd of Iraqis. they caught up to a few "insurgents" and dragged them around a corner and beat the living shit out of them. You could hear one of them saying dont hit them in the face. lol It was one of the best videos yet. The best part was one of the Iraqis was face down on the ground getting his ass kicked and some soldier comes up and kicked him square in the nuts. I cringed, but it was still funny.:kickass:

That kick to the nuts looked painful.
it's not the hearts and minds of the Iraqis we have to worry about capturing. it's the hearts and minds of the self-loathing American leftists that work to ensure terrorist victory with everything they have in them.
Fuck the Iraqis. Tell them to either get their ass in gear, or we're fucking outta there. We did all the grunt work, it's time for them to pick up some slack.

This is typical of Muslim nations; they want everything handed to them and want to give nothing. We shouldn't have gone in there under false pretenses, but at this point the biggest enemy to the US is ourselves. Fucking get your shit together, we'll help train you, you have until X date to be ready, and if you're not then it sucks to be you. This holding Iraq's hand bullshit has got to stop. These people don't need democracy, they need someone spoon feeding them for the rest of their lives, just like Saddam did. They need to constantly be under the threat of being shot to get anything done. This is their way of life, and has been for thousands of years. You'd have a better chance at teaching a monkey quantum physics than teaching a Muslim country how to lead itself without a dictator.

Fuck them.
Fuck the Iraqis. Tell them to either get their ass in gear, or we're fucking outta there. We did all the grunt work, it's time for them to pick up some slack.

This is typical of Muslim nations; they want everything handed to them and want to give nothing. We shouldn't have gone in there under false pretenses, but at this point the biggest enemy to the US is ourselves. Fucking get your shit together, we'll help train you, you have until X date to be ready, and if you're not then it sucks to be you. This holding Iraq's hand bullshit has got to stop. These people don't need democracy, they need someone spoon feeding them for the rest of their lives, just like Saddam did. They need to constantly be under the threat of being shot to get anything done. This is their way of life, and has been for thousands of years. You'd have a better chance at teaching a monkey quantum physics than teaching a Muslim country how to lead itself without a dictator.

Fuck them.

I say we pull out of all the cities. Patrol the entire border, this will also give us practice on protecting our own border, to make sure no one shady gets in or out. Then we can just let them have it out amongst themselves.
I say we pull out of all the cities. Patrol the entire border, this will also give us practice on protecting our own border, to make sure no one shady gets in or out. Then we can just let them have it out amongst themselves.

That is about the best idea I have heard all week. Protect our soldiers from dying trying to help those who don't want to be helped.
I say we pull out of all the cities. Patrol the entire border, this will also give us practice on protecting our own border, to make sure no one shady gets in or out. Then we can just let them have it out amongst themselves.

Isn't the new pretext for the invasion to "bring stability and democracy to Iraq" (whether they want it or not, bitch!) ? Your plan would kind of destroy that.
Isn't the new pretext for the invasion to "bring stability and democracy to Iraq" (whether they want it or not, bitch!) ? Your plan would kind of destroy that.

you're suggesting Iraqis dont want democracy and stability?
what makes them different from every other human being on Earth?? :err:

and there's no 'new pretext' for the 'invasion.'
the 'old pretext' still stands. Hussein had thumbed his nose at everything he was ordered to do by the UN. he kicked the UN weapons inspectors out of his country and continued to terrorize the Iraqi citizens.
he gave material support to terrorists [paying $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers that killed Jews or Americans counts as support]. he was a threat, whether he had enough time to hide all the illegal weaponry he had [i'd say 12 years was plenty of time] or not.
he needed to go.

now that he's gone, we cant just do like we did in Iran [or, not 'we'... the Democratic dim bulb in office... Carter] and allow extremists with a hate of all things Jewish or Western to take control.

i'd love to see our troops home, but i recognize the threat of leaving that region without some sort of stability installed.
if we run now, it will follow us home.