The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

I'm about to go pick up some pay for walking a woman's dogs on my street. It's raining. Bleh.
Goodnight bro.

I'm not doing too much Janelle. About ready to get together with the band, and currently feeding my daughter blocks of cheese.

So are you looking for a job currently, or just lounging? (the latter is the bestest ;))
@Chris: Wow, your daughter must like her cheese. Getting together with a band, eh? Awesome. :D

Yeah, I've been job-hunting for almost a month now. All I can find are PT jobs though, I'm talking 15 hours per week, and that is the reason why I left my last job since they weren't giving me enough (and my brother said that he could get me a FT job in the lab where he works, which is the only reason why I let myself leave, but things didn't work out). Oh, how I wish I could lounge. My rent is too scary for that.