The White Wizzard drama...

I haven't read the wole thread yet so maybe someone mentioned it, but didn't Michael Kiske...oops I mean Mike Gremio (?) from Cellador sing for these guys?
So, why do you give a crap if I don't like it?
I am sure I like plenty of bands you wouldn't like.
I wouldn't resort to 7th grade insults over it.

Your 7th grade insult of songs you have heard deserved a 7th grade reply, that's all. You said they, "blow, hard," and I was just curious as to what you thought blowed about the songs I posted. I quite like them. There's quite a difference between saying that a band, "blows hard" versus, "they are not my cup of tea."

p.s. Anyone who is credited with 17,500+ posts in this forum definitely blows, and hard.
p.s. Anyone who is credited with 17,500+ posts in this forum definitely blows, and hard.

All 17,500 posts certainly are NOT from just THIS forum.

I am sure half alone are from the chicago powerfest and Nov Doom forums,both of which are pretty much RIP these days.

To cut to the chase, I just simply don't care for what I have heard of this band.
I don't really need to review every song by song and explain what I don't care about it. Maybe a bit too formulatic? Some bands just don't grab ya by the ballz the first few times you hear them. Not interested in sitting down with every album to make sure I just didn't miss out on something. You just know when a band isn't for you.

Sure, maybe as a fan you didn't care for my "Blows Hard" comment, but it wasn't a personal attack to you,which certainly did not warrant a personal attack as a reply.

And finally, while I may be a "blow hard" I don't "blow....hard"

Look, it's an argument between two of the most tactful people on the forum. This will be good.

PS. Fuck White Wizzard. And yes, I have a real, valid reason to say that. And it's not because I think they "blow hard".
Look, it's an argument between two of the most tactful people on the forum. This will be good.

PS. Fuck White Wizzard. And yes, I have a real, valid reason to say that. And it's not because I think they "blow hard".

I have no experience with White Wizzard like you do, but I will say "fuck White Wizzard" because they blow, suck, are awful, etc. Terrible band.
There's quite a difference between saying that a band, "blows hard" versus, "they are not my cup of tea."

There's also a difference between not getting this colossally upset on the internet because someone doesn't like a band you like, and getting this colossally upset on the internet because someone doesn't like a band you like.

edit: oh and you can also count me in with the crowd that thinks WW blows hard.
There's also a difference between not getting this colossally upset on the internet because someone doesn't like a band you like, and getting this colossally upset on the internet because someone doesn't like a band you like.

edit: oh and you can also count me in with the crowd that thinks WW blows hard.

LOL, you should have seen his reaction the last time we criticized Jon Schaffer, or hinted at the possibility of him not writing 100% of Iced Earth's music. It was a big LIE.

What can I say, we're all liars.
I guess you could say we're all....Disciples of the Lie...
