The wine thread


Curator of the mausoleum
Nov 12, 2013
New Smyrna Beach
So I've been getting into wine lately. The reason for that is a lot of the restaurants I frequent have crappy beers so I needed to find an alternative beverage. I will not drink shitty beer. Period. I'm loving the reds. Mostly drinking cabernet savignon, merlot, and pinot noire. Had some good blends too. Avoid the whites. Don't have enough experience yet to tell which wineries are the best. Mead is a type of wine, that shit's good too. Need to try Vikings Blood again. Drinking craft beer now, ironically. So any Ultimate Metal wine heads out there?
I'm a Mediterranean wine kind of guy. Prefer Chiantis and Temperanillos, but I'll drink anything red. As for whites, I like Pinot Grigio for dry and for sweet my favorite is Gewurtztraminer (like a Riesling but dryer and spritzier).
Dude I had a Spanish Temperanillo last night for the first time and loved it but had no idea what it was. The bartender told me it was a blend of some sort.
I'm no connoisseur by any stretch, but I love muscadine wines, particularly the Hateras Red and Scuppernong. I drink them a good bit in the summer when it's just too hot for Scotch. Warning: these are sweeter wines.
I wouldn't mind sweet wines if they had some complexity to them. Most I've tried, however, go down way too easy and I'm done with the glass in 2 seconds. I'm looking at you, rieslings. Would love to try a really good one though.
Try to find a store that shows the rating of the wine next to the price. I have one here in SoCal called Total Wine that shows the rating on all wines rated 85 or above. So I buy only wines rated 85 or above that are also $15 or less. You don't always have to spend over $10 to get a quality wine. Many in the 8-10 range are good you just have to know which ones to buy. Personally I prefer a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir. Shiraz is also good. I don't like Merlot, though. Zinfandel is so so.
My rule is not to buy anything that costs under $10, so perhaps you're just drinking cheap crap?

I usually order by the glass at restaurants, thus I'm limited. And it ain't cheap!

Baroque, I have a Total Wine near me. Good spot for beer too. But I rarely drink at home, so it's not where I'm gonna get most of my wine exposure.
I stock up on this fine vintage at every trip to the local market. Amazing beverage.

My mom is basically the wine version of me. I love good, earthy reds. Tempranillos, Grenache, Old Zins, Mourvedre (though they're kind of hard to find solo...they're usually blended with other reds)...basically any red out of Spain and Portugal is my jam.

I just put up a new wine rack for my mom yesterday, bringing her storage space to 220 bottles:

The original wine rack

The new one
.... niiice.

I'm not a wine guy, but my parents are. I'll try and see if i can get a few pics in of their collection sometime this week. My dad also has a huge collection of cognacs ... i'll post that one in the whiskey thread.

But i do have bottle of some Italian wine called Stella Rosa in my fridge right now(gift). Any good?
I drink Shiraz mainly. I like a big, bold, smooth Shiraz. Shiraz blended with Grenache or Merlot or Cab Sav can also be good. I've had some great Cab Savs but only usually the really pricey ones do it for me. Very occasionally I'll drink a Pinot Noir, usually in summer.

I'd like to get into fortified wine more. I love a smokey old Port at the end of a night. I've bought some great ones at wineries but they always go way too quickly.

White wine generally is meh, but I'm interested in combining it with certain foods to bring out the flavour. Totally clueless about it at this stage though.
My wife and I love wine, usually full-bodied reds. Regionally, Super Tuscans are excellent. We also really like Châteauneuf-du-Pape, which comes from the Rhone.
.... niiice.

I'm not a wine guy, but my parents are. I'll try and see if i can get a few pics in of their collection sometime this week. My dad also has a huge collection of cognacs ... i'll post that one in the whiskey thread.

But i do have bottle of some Italian wine called Stella Rosa in my fridge right now(gift). Any good?

Stella rosa is commercial bullshit, like Budweiser or something

It doesn't taste that bad though, tbh