The Women Of Powerfest

Kim K said:
Since you have such strong feelings for Glenn, maybe you'd like to join our worship group. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Blessed House of Glenn located on Progpower Drive in downtown Atlanta (just off Peachtree St). In the past we've had Hawaiin shirt day, bring in your favorite pic of Glenn, and of course my favorite, the "cunts" got together and had a stimulating conversation on boxers or briefs. This months topic: Glenn, the man, the myth, the legend. Hope to see you there.


Oh, and refreshments are always welcome.

I was led to believe there would be punch and pie...
Mattias of the Night said:
You play online games? That's pretty sad, isn't it? Are you big a fan of elves and dwarfes and Star Trek? Did you cry when Boromir died?

Ain't nothing sad about on-line games. They're great fun. I'm totally addicted to World of Warcraft and proud of it. Best part is I get to BE an elf. And yea I loves dwarves and orcs and all that fantasy stuff, though I always thought Star Trek was lame and Boromir was kind of a jerk. Died in a cool way though. Best scene in the movie.

Now back to the real world and normal people.

Thanks for the advice, Evil. I'll remember that! ;)
Mosquito said:
World Of Warcraft is EXTREMELY addictive...i only play that and a few first person shooters :)

AMBR: What server, side, race, class? etc

I have two characters that I made, but I also play my kids' characters too. (They have to let me, because I pay for the monthly service. :devil: )

So, in Eredar (pvp) we have:
Kyllikki, night elf priest (mine)
Truthbearer, human paladin
Neegosh, gnome warlock
Islea, night elf druid

In Mannoroth (pvp) we have:
Krak, orc warrior
Windorsk, tauren warrior

In Hellscream (normal) where I play the most there's Annikki, night elf hunter with her pet wolf, Luna.

In Earthen Ring (rp) there's Ansen, a human mage

None of these are over level 24, though. There's just never enough time to play. My experience bar is almost always blue.

This is a bit off topic, though. I wonder if we should have started another thread?
AMBR said:
I have two characters that I made, but I also play my kids' characters too. (They have to let me, because I pay for the monthly service. :devil: )

So, in Eredar (pvp) we have:
Kyllikki, night elf priest (mine)
Truthbearer, human paladin
Neegosh, gnome warlock
Islea, night elf druid

In Mannoroth (pvp) we have:
Krak, orc warrior
Windorsk, tauren warrior

In Hellscream (normal) where I play the most there's Annikki, night elf hunter with her pet wolf, Luna.

In Earthen Ring (rp) there's Ansen, a human mage

None of these are over level 24, though. There's just never enough time to play. My experience bar is almost always blue.

This is a bit off topic, though. I wonder if we should have started another thread?


Earthen Ring - Ahrimor / Amysa
wow, we are all cunts huh? who knew? well, this cunt loves metal. great to have one dumbass to make us like each other a little more, right?
wow, we are all cunts huh? who knew? well, this cunt loves metal. great to have one dumbass to make us like each other a little more, right?
Yea, but he seems to have abaondoned us. :cry: I guess we're gonna have to go back to poking fun at each other. Damn, and we had such a lovefest going on there for a day or two.

Thanks for the punch, Evil, though I've learned never to trust the stuff. I prefer your taste in beer. :kickass:
AMBR said:
Yea, but he seems to have abaondoned us. :cry: I guess we're gonna have to go back to poking fun at each other. Damn, and we had such a lovefest going on there for a day or two.

Thanks for the punch, Evil, though I've learned never to trust the stuff. I prefer your taste in beer. :kickass:

Well i shall endeavor to bring something exceptional to the table this year :)
I've been on the road since Powerfest
where to start
1.Yes to a mandetory Miniskirt day on Sat(and this includes our bargirl friend Maria)weather should be nice(80s that time of year in Atlanta,should be no hurricanes this year)we also should have a poolside get together (there is a pool at the Hampton where I'm staying)sat,(OK,the perv in me is now thinking-WET TSHIRT CONTEST involving all the girls,slaps self)
Had a great time
Kim K said:
Since you have such strong feelings for Glenn, maybe you'd like to join our worship group. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Blessed House of Glenn located on Progpower Drive in downtown Atlanta (just off Peachtree St). In the past we've had Hawaiian shirt day, bring in your favorite pic of Glenn, and of course my favorite, the "cunts" got together and had a stimulating conversation on boxers or briefs. This months topic: Glenn, the man, the myth, the legend. Hope to see you there.


Oh, and refreshments are always welcome.

I just found this thread, and this was the first post to make me laugh out loud. Well done Kim.
Hello ladies,

I actually just now read the last few pages of this thread. I see you have met my favorite troll on the internet. Throw him a bone evey now and then and he will make you laugh if you don't take yourself or anything else too seriously. He is essentially starting over with the Troll 101 Basics Course in this thread. The shocking use of the word "cunt" is him just testing the waters to see how easily folks are offended here. I fully expect him to hit his stride in a few weeks once he gets a feel for the board. Check out his other thread for a better starting point.

I will have to say that the Boromir line was pretty damn funny.

Glenn H.