The words you like to pronounce

I'm a big fan of Pequannock, for no particular reason really. It's just so ridiculous a name, those crazy ramaquios indians. However, I come from a town that even locals have never heard of.
I covered Pequannock every now and then while writing for the Suburban Trends, and to this day cannot spell it correctly.

are you familiar with the jackson whites/minies?
Yeah, I am acquainted with the Jackson whites and midgetvilles. It is so weird to know that merely 2 miles off Rt. 17 there is a subculture of people who pay no taxes, steal electricity and cable, and still get public education. I mean, they are the descendants of Hessian Mercenaries from the revolutionary war who purchased caribbean women to be their wives. They aren't exactly friendly either, not the kind of place to have your car die.
They aren't that bad.......slightly intimidating when it's dark and when they are in large numbers.
But alot of them are cool....I went to high school with a buttload of them and was down with most of them were cool.

I heard they have a pet bull named Buckshot tied up on their property. But I'm not sure if that's true or not.

I speak fluent Jackson White btw...I had to in order to survive HS. Freshman year was hell without the knowledge of their slang.

'look at da man dat raped ya! A shit booooy, done raped yer lil, buck! Face boooy, face!'
for some reason I enjoy "six" a good deal.
whenever someone asks me a question that I don't have an answer to, I tend to just say "six". Try it, it's fun.