the worst part about me being sick today is


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
i'm coughing so much i sound exactly like TARD ROOMMATE. every time i hack and wheeze i picture his face turning brick red and him passing out and convulsing on the couch as the bong tumbles from his hand.

i've been sick for a week now, but this is the first day i've stayed home--my mother's been ill, also. i dub it the SAN FRANCISCO CROUP.
Yeah, I feel your pain. I've had a cold for about a week and a half now. I thought I had almost completely recovered over the weekend, but late Monday it took a turn for the worse. Wednesday was the worst, and it's still hanging around, though only in the form of a bad sore throat and cough and a stuffy nose - none of the aches, chills, or nausea from before.
if it came from my house, Willow gave you the sickness and she probably got it from the snotty two-year olds she works with.

I suspect you got it from making out with your sister's friends.
I have lived with the Dope, who is carrying in the plague, and consistently worked in a lab, studying specifically disease causing pathogens and managed not to be ill. My immune system is stronger than yours. NATURAL SELECTION CHOOSES ME, INFERIORS!
You forgot my bad vision, paper thin, pale skin that burns when its cloudy, and my arteries affinity for holding onto cholesterol in an effort to stop my heart. Genetic selection hates me.
Besides Ben, I'm surprised with all of your royal blood you don't have the noble affliction of either hemophilia or syphilis. Or you might? Who knows? Depends on what some would consider syphilis-inflicted madness.