Thee new album and tour plans


May 17, 2006
Hi everyone its Wozza again. I hope everyone is fine and well. Strange kind of drought we're having in the UK, I thoguth a drought was suppose to be scorching heat and dried up rivers and resoviors not piddling down with rain!:lol: I think we may have a Mabool of our own soon!
Now to my main point, now this may be to early but I was just wondering how things were going in the making of the new album? Is everything coming along as planned etc?
Plus does anyone know the Land's next tour dates etc? because I would go/have gone to Tel Aviv but sadly due to a lack of funds I was unable to go.
I'm going to be there :D, hopefully meet you this time Kobi, I think the concert is like 2 months before I go back to New Zealand sadly.
eeeeeee...... shows in august, where? in tel-aviv? do you know the date?
august, august....kurwa:] shit.... I'm going to Israel between august and september ....I think I have to change my plans:p
Thanks deadly I will most definatly start saving, its gonna ost me though, travel + ticket + anything else like t-shirt but hopefully its gonna be worth it.

Please come back to the UK we miss you here and you'll get a heoros welcome when you return, pleae please please return soon! :worship:
Ahh and Deadly I like the pic of christina, Im guesing you'v put it on due to similarites between yourself and chrsitina? The fact that she is gorgous and you proabably are awell ;)
thank you, right i am going to have to love you and leave you now my dear, Iv got to go out, will you be on later? I have sent you a pm maybe we can chat later? *MWAH*