Thee Plague of Gentlemen are no more...

Necuratul said:
I don't give a crap about appeal to emotion and victim's rights. Your rights do not extend so far as to insist pain and punishment on another human being, no matter what the fuck they did.
you're basically saying that all crimes should go unpunished no matter what?
Necuratul said:
I don't give a crap about appeal to emotion and victim's rights. Your rights do not extend so far as to insist pain and punishment on another human being, no matter what the fuck they did.

Again, agreed.
I think all people who commit crimes should be thrown in jail until they're no longer a danger to society, whatever that accounts to. For a lot of people, this means life imprisonment.
Necuratul said:
I think all people who commit crimes should be thrown in jail until they're no longer a danger to society, whatever that accounts to. For a lot of people, this means life imprisonment.
you never, ever, ever know for sure if someone will be a "danger to society" or not once they're out. never. absolutely out of the question.
I know, that's why if someone does something again, barring unusual circumstances, they're imprisoned for the rest of their lives.
Necuratul said:
I know, that's why if someone does something again, barring unusual circumstances, they're imprisoned for the rest of their lives.
so trial and error is it?

<prison> well mr. childrape despite you having raped matt's entire family once after 4 years of therapy we think you're ready to be a productive member of society again
<mr. childrape> AWRIGHT
* mr. childrape rapes matt's entire family again and kills matt
<prison> oh that was very naughty you're going in for lifetime mister (please do keep in mind that this is still therapy and not a punishment)

you're advocating absolute bullshit, stop doing that
You're being a fucking stooge and using retarded examples. Obviously it's not going to be very simple to prove that you're fit to re-enter society, and chances are that 99% of people that commit crimes like that are too fucked up to ever be rehabilitated anyway.
Necuratul said:
You're being a fucking stooge and using retarded examples. Obviously it's not going to be very simple to prove that you're fit to re-enter society, and chances are that 99% of people that commit crimes like that are too fucked up to ever be rehabilitated anyway.
and your point is? i'm saying it's not only "not very simple" but in fact completely impossible, but that's not how the system that you're advocating would work at all. a system based on rehabilitation is rarely/never going to say "oh well you're absolutely beyond help, tough shit, rot in jail". so far you're just agreeing with me but coming to conclusions that don't make any sense
Erik said:
i'll bet $$$ that serving a life sentence (as a CHILD RAPIST) in jail would allow you to change your mind

What can happen?

(a)The other inmates will kill you. OK so that's all I was asking for anyway.

(b)The other inmates will rape you. Repeatedly. And beat you to a pulp while the guards look away. Your life will be a living hell.

See the thing is, (a) = true, and (b) = hollywood.

Most criminals like prison. Some people even commit crimes so that they can get to prison over their current living conditions. Men kill their wives and go to prison rather than go through divorce and split their fortunes.


There are more criminals that don't commit crimes that are characteristic of the mentally ill than that do. Do you really think that somebody that stole a fucking tv can't be rehabilitated?
JayKeeley said:
What can happen?

(a)The other inmates will kill you. OK so that's all I was asking for anyway.

(b)The other inmates will rape you. Repeatedly. And beat you to a pulp while the guards look away. Your life will be a living hell.

See the thing is, (a) = true, and (b) = hollywood.
i doubt B is total hollywood. noone likes a child rapist, not even most people in prison. you're not going to be respected by anyone.

JayKeeley said:
Most criminals like prison. Some people even commit crimes so that they can get to prison over their current living conditions. Men kill their wives and go to prison rather than go through divorce and split their fortunes.
there are differences between different prisons. HUGE differences. someone who beats a couple of guys up to get free meals and a warm bed for 6 months isn't going to go to federal pound-me-in-the-ass maximum security prison. a child rapist is. not only is he going to have to fight his mental demons (and a guy like this has mental demons to fight, believe me) daily in total solitude, he's going to be the lowest person on the food chain and everyone is going to hate him. he's going to be utterly alone, despised by all his former friends and family and by all his fellow inmates for the rest of his days. IT IS NOT A FUCKING VACATION. it is well-deserved punishment.

JayKeeley said:
sure, i am an advocate of MAKE PRISON WORSE, but that's a bit of a different thing.
Necuratul said:
There are more criminals that don't commit crimes that are characteristic of the mentally ill than that do. Do you really think that somebody that stole a fucking tv can't be rehabilitated?
did i say that

i don't believe i said that mate

why don't you address my points instead of flying off on random tangents and putting words in my mouth
Erik said:
did i say that

i don't believe i said that mate

why don't you address my points instead of flying off on random tangents and putting words in my mouth

Your points are jumbled and confused. Organize them first.
Doomcifer said:
^ That's stupid. Why harm the bandmembers?

The label isn't so much harming the bandmembers as covering it's own ass. After news such as this, there are a certain contingent of people who will find the album more desirable to own as a result of this. If the label continued supplying the record, negative publicity could soon be forthcoming suggesting that the label is profiting from the continued suffering of the victims and their families.

Considering the remaining members of the band have already disassociated themselves from Steve McMillan and dissolved the band, I'm pretty sure that they understand and condone this action (if not actively suggested it to I Hate) themselves.