'themed event' in the Darwin Suite?

Imagine it.........500 pissed up viking metlars, drinking horns swinging, ale flying, roast ox cooking away, Finntroll over the Pa, line of wenchs on the stage for wet t-shirt compo.....

[phones Vince....]
But to be a Wench is an honour! As Conquest of Steel say, we love women, we love the way they taste, smell, and the feeling of our 'Flugelhorns' inside them... (Some words of that qoute may have been altered) Wenches can be warriors too!
Tis An A Perfect Image, Grog Anyone :)

Raises Broadsword And Alehorn! Hail, To The Wet T-shirt Wenches Private Cabins, For Pilaging The Women... Yay!

Wench Is A Word Of Honor To All Women! Better Than The Rap People Who Call Their Women Biatches! Dragonmaiden, Choose, Wench Or Biatch?
Ill join you in that one, Get some casks of ale behind the bar, some Dark Lord, some Hobgoblin, and some Old Peculiar e.t.c... I reckon that would go down a treat...
Please people...

At the mere mention of a 'theme' all anyone can talk about is Vikings, wenches and drinking.

Are we not grown ups?

Are we not beyond such things?

Do we not want pleasures of the soul rather than of the flesh?




Bring on the wenches and ale.

All who agree....Hail below
