Themed gigs/costumes

Jun 26, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
Thought it'd be cool to have a thread about all sorts of themes/costumes your bands or any bands have used or want to use. For example we all should know dimmu's satanic dark theme sorta thing, but that's kinda boring these days I guess.

My friend dressed up as jesus for his gig the other night. You can see pics at in the pics section not the main page. Also I saw some band ages ago where the drummer only wore his underwear and a fluffy eskimoe hat :p.

Post all your experiences. Should be interesting.
I went to a Five Iron Frenzy concert where they were all dressed in Star Trek uniforms with their bassist wearing a full-on Klingon costume with mask and Worf-style sash.

Every few songs, one of them would say to the vocalist, "Look, Captain! A KLINGON!"

Good times.
4/6 My band (me, the keyboardist, drummer, and singer) sing moonlight bay to practice 4 part harmonies so we might to a show dressed like a barbershop quartet...And we recently decided starting after our next show we're playing 1 queen cover every show
Man, Aerosith takes the cake. This is an actual band...
He's probably trying to look tough so people don't beat him up for wearing that ridiculous outfit :lol:
I'm also gonna shoot whoever Photoshopped that pic... The Red Imperial Guard is behind Darth Sidious yet he's in front of the guitar.
In the Aerosith pic, the Emperor's entire frettboaard is like.... not... there. W.T.F'ing F?
One time my band played a halloween party as famous rockstars on our instruments. Our bassist was Cliff Burton, I was Yngwie, our other guitarist was Hendrix, our drummer was Bonham, our singer was Plant... I wanted our keyboard player to be Bach, but he was Spock. It was a great time.