Thenk ye 54 for youre brilliant, incomparable....


Englands Last Bolshie
Apr 18, 2001
Peoples Republic Of Derby

God i couldnt survive without mine :eek:

Warm & comfortable & a bargain price.. if ya havent got one.. WHY?

*tony is currently covered in his hoodie, and is muchos happy*
I don't have one... why?

Well, I just see them as worn by spiky haired skaters with keychains hanging out of their pockets. Not my sort of image.

Bring back leopard print spandex, denim jackets with massive patches on the back, and massive, fluffy hair! That's what I say!

Still, each to their own, hey? :)
Hey - I just have personal reasons... A few years back, my only local rock club got taken over by skaters.

Wheras before, you could be sure of a night filled with Maiden, Zeppelin and Motorhead, all of a sudden, it got replaced with Ska and Punk.

All the regulars changed from people with Denim and Leather, to Spiky haired geezers carring 'boards under their arms.

It was like a trendy invasion - every one of them looked more or less the same, all followed the same trend, all spoke the same way, and all were agressive bastards who said things like "what're you looking at?!".

Sorry if I seem oversensitive, but I've tried all my life to get away from that herding instinct thing. Hey, I still have a herd, but it's a multicoloured herd, all shapes and sizes, and each individual has an opinion of his/her own.
ooo intelligent post :)

I like my hoodie coz its warm and it says area 54 on it. Fact. :)

I know what ya mean about the baggy trouser skatey brigade, they need bombing :lol:
gotta say- i aggree with tony.

Hey - hoodies arent really goth things but i got a sisters of mercy one!!!!!!! if it has the name of the band on it that i like, im gonna wear it- as u arent likely to see me in no god damn GAP or punk band one- i cant really be considered a trendy or a skater!
way i see it- 54 have a hoody - so i wear it.! even though i seem to get constant stick for it!!!!

I love my 54 hoodie because it´s got a cool logo on it and it´s very warm n cosy... but I don´t like the "Don´t Judge Me" thing on the back as it´s just asking for trouble and looks stupid IMO. Bring on the white 54 longsleeves I say... Steve, get yer arse in gear! The only other hoodies I own are for System Of A Down, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Kill II This, Dissection and hopefully a Burzum one soon... so I don´t think I could be considered trendie really could I?! White long sleeve hoodies are the ultimate though I think... ;)
Naahhh - the clothes of the gods are black denim drainpipes, many black longsleeve T's all worn at once, maybe a black shirt, worn open, and a black leather biker jacket.

Add a set of big black boots, and you're done. Metal as it comes, baby.

Oh - and, again, I didn't mean that I thought hoodies are trendy garments, just that they remind me of Skaters, and I don't like it. :p

Yeah - Ian, I hear you about the slogan on the back - sure, as lyrics, that might be cool, but "Don't Judge Me" makes people do exactly the opposite. People can judge me all they like, but I don't want to prompt it, other than by wearing the above mentioned outfit...
I see where you're coming from with the back of the hoodie, but the way I see it, if people were a bit more open minded, there would be no need for it to say 'Don't Judge Me' - it says that because I got sick to death of being hassled my some fuckwit in a Shirt, and it's sad to hear that people are being bothered by it, but it's us VS them, and although we metal fans will never out do the trend, I'm not really willing to sit around and lem them fuckers have an easy ride...
Ooh, semi intelligent thread :lol:

People get judged no matter what they wear. I hate to be pedantic but aren't we judging those who wear their Slipknot hoodies and carry 'boards?

Wear your hoodies with pride, at least you know that you wear them for the right reasons.

And personally I'm all for the comeback of tight 80's era thin colourful trousers. Beats all this baggy black as far as pervy opportunities go :D
Can i frame that speech? Can sympathize & understand totally, as can many here id imagine.

Ironically, my trendy mates think the 'dont judge me' statement is cool!! :lol:

Plus my teacher thinks the 'nothing lasts forever but the certainty of change' is a brilliant saying.

oooh, ya got brownie marks of a teacher!! ;)
Originally posted by Lakis
I see where you're coming from with the back of the hoodie, but the way I see it, if people were a bit more open minded, there would be no need for it to say 'Don't Judge Me' - it says that because I got sick to death of being hassled my some fuckwit in a Shirt, and it's sad to hear that people are being bothered by it, but it's us VS them, and although we metal fans will never out do the trend, I'm not really willing to sit around and lem them fuckers have an easy ride...

Well Said Mr K!!!
I mentioned it to Mia that i had received a lot of abuse over it- but for gods sake- hell i got abuse before i got my hoodies. i have two 54 hoodies - so im not going to stop wearing them just cuz of some t rendy dickheads! if i gave a damn what was said to me - id be a topshop freak! and anyway - even if it gives us negative feedback, which to be honest we have all got used to anyway (sadly), y should we really care? for fuks sake - any one who can pay £100 for a ben sherman needs shooting anyway.
-hey, i just judged THEM
i get Matt's point about the comment drawing unwanted atttention,,,but i also agree with selphie that we'd get shit anyway.
I dont see why the band should stop selling them. they are a decent piece of merchandise. its up to people whether they want to wear them and let the average twat on the street dictate to them.
I have received hastle over it and i was pretty upset at the time- but im sure those comments would have been made with or without the hoody and i would rather be me - and to be honest isnt that just what the saying suggests? dont judge me? ie i am what i am. and i dont give a F!*K what u think. :mad:
the f irst time i heard what it said- i was like perfect- i gotta have one of them! and i shall be wearing mine anyway- just with my walkman turned up loud.
anyway - rant over....

Originally posted by Tony

oooh, ya got brownie marks of a teacher!! ;)

other than me u mean lol!

MG!!!! :lol: