Theocracy ID3 tag errors


New Metal Member
Nov 23, 2013
Hey, I've been a major Theocracy fan since Mirror of Souls, so I preordered the CD-LP bundle of the debut reissue. After a longer-than-expected wait (it's all good, I realize why it took so long), I ripped the CD to my PC so I could listen to it whenever.

Anyways, I noticed the ID3 tags (the information on the individual MP3s; in WinAmp, if you right-click an MP3, you can fix the ID3 information) say the artist name is listed as "Terrorway" (I believe; I fixed them for myself), the composer was listed as "Susan Smith" (I know that's Matt's wife), the year was listed as 2004 (which wasn't even the original's release year), and the title track was listed as "Theocrazy", not "Theocracy". Any knowledge as to why it was like that? As I said, I fixed it for myself, but for future copies, the guys may want to try to fix it. :P

Anyways, I'm really enjoying the album so far. It sounds like a whole new album, yet with the charm and feel of the original. It makes me even more proud to call the guys my brothers in Christ. :)
Is this some super secret information about the band that they didn't know they were revealing to us? Was Matt Smith's original name for the band Terrorway? Was it originally going to be satanic?
Lol, who knows. :P I've seen similar things before with other bands - it makes me wonder if it's an accident on the part of mastering or something like that.
Ha ha! Reminds me of when I was working on the "MOS" cover, I sent Matt a joke one, where I told him that he needed to update the band image. I had the band name as "Theocrazee" I think.
Lol, yeah, I can't remember what band it was, but the band name was listed as something totally different. I do wonder where in production the problem occurs. I've also seen it where, if there are featured artists, the band name will be listed as, (Band name);(Featured artist), which really messes with the alignment in Winamp haha
Isn't it such that some ripping tools maintain their own database which they use to recognize the album? If the album is unknown, you can upload your data, helping others, if you do it right. I think it could be tempting for some to upload funny titles there...
The tags are just pulled from gd3/allmedia/freedb etc. I ripped the album with dbpoweramp and it was the same way. Users can submit to these databases so someone must have done it as a joke.