Theocracy live August 4, 2007


May 8, 2003

Building a new gallery site, please pardon the construction dust. Unfortunately, vBulletin does not permit Ning's image thumbnail syntax. Looking for a workaround.

Great shots esa! Looks like the lighting really worked more in your favor compared to last time. Some great shots in that set

Thanks for coming out to our shows! I always look forward to your posts

yeah that lighting guy was pretty good this time, wasn't he? I wonder who that awesome lighting guy was? :cool:


Great shows as always Esa! YOU RULE the Camera Lens!

Thanks so much!

Thanks again Esa! I always look forward to seeing your galleries... these are great!

... I know it must be impossible in some places to get a good drummer shot -
so I had to drop a line to Shawn - from all of us who couldn't be there -

We Miss Seein Ya!
Yeah, apologies to the drummers, once again. :cry: There were no good angles from the floor, and I didn't feel like climbing on stage (despite Hoyt's prodding. :)

I did get a couple of good ones of Shawn on July 20th.
yeah that lighting guy was pretty good this time, wasn't he?

Indeed he was! What a difference! I got several shots where downstage was lit by white lights while colored lights were visible in the background.

It was a different story with Mandrake Theory that followed (with their own guy at the light board.)
Nice shots, looks like it was a great show. Unfortunately there is even less chance of Theocracy coming to New Zealand than Dream Theater, so ill never get to see them live.

When did Matt switch to the Flying V guitar?
When did Matt switch to the Flying V guitar?

id say beginning of the year?
ESP Ninja 600 Michael Amott Signature slapped with some Emg pick ups'. :headbang:
Wild guess, 81/85 combo?

oh and Matt are you a fan of Arch Enemy?
great melodies & a great band