Theocracy Video Promo for Pathfinder MetalFest

StryperTube Webmaster

StryperTube Webmaster
Oct 27, 2010
Atlanta GA
I hope i can post this here! I make all the promo videos for StryperTube and a few other bands. Decided to make one for Theocracy,cause I love their sound! Wish i could make it to this event, if i dont have to work. The venue is only about a mile from my house! Please share this video to help spread the word Thanks!
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Ooh, very nicely done. Makes me want to go. xP It's on the other side of the country though. :[
Hey man, that's for posting this. I will start pumping it out from the band's myspace page.

I like these videos. I still remember doing promotions for the Minneapolis Stryper show last year and using your video.