there is an extraordinary depth to the songs in still life

crumbling mirth

the song remains the same
Aug 10, 2001
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it is such a compelling album.
there are seemingly limitless depths to explore with this record, and there is an uncanny amount of variation to be found amongst the seven tracks.
the boys barely put a foot wrong with this record.

It's great to see that you're listening to something other than BWP!:D

This is the disc that I loan out for people to sample Opeth.

Enjoy the moment.......
Originally posted by Liquid Tension

It's great to see that you're listening to something other than BWP!:D

This is the disc that I loan out for people to sample Opeth.

Enjoy the moment.......

:lol: :lol: :lol: yes - I do remember being stuck in the past
You're not alone getting caught up with a disc Pain of Salvation's The perfect Element stayed in my player for a LONG time and still is the most played disc in my collection.

Enjoy the moment.....