there is definitely a ghost in my house

I've experienced a ghost first-hand in 1997, at a friend's house. It was undeniable, it was moving a wheeled desk chair around on its own. Nobody else was there except my friend and I... no drugs or alcohol were involved. He said it happened periodically, and that it was definitely real, not a prank. There was no other way to explain it. This is a friend who I would trust more than almost anyone.
not good.

I've experienced a ghost first-hand in 1997, at a friend's house. It was undeniable, it was moving a wheeled desk chair around on its own. Nobody else was there except my friend and I... no drugs or alcohol were involved. He said it happened periodically, and that it was definitely real, not a prank. There was no other way to explain it. This is a friend who I would trust more than almost anyone.

I've had plenty of strange experiences (some cool, some not) in the past, like I've described in the UFO thread when it took a turn to the more supernatural/spiritual side. And if you really want to be creeped out, read Metaltastic's post in that thread. So yeah, strong believer here also.
There are no ghost.... but if there where. I have some questions.

Why do some ghost have clothing on? Did the clothing die with them?
Considering the amount of people that have been dying everyday till now shouldn't we be overrun by ghost? They should far outnumber humans by now.
Why hide? If I was a ghost I would say fuck humans and hang out where I want. This includes public places when everyone is there.
Why do ghost prefer to appear to people with missing teeth? The same people that aliens rather visit. Just seems odd.
What purpose does a ghost that has to hide from people with teeth and has to where the same clothing day after day serve?

Please enlighten me ghost believers.
Why do ghost prefer to appear to people with missing teeth? The same people that aliens rather visit. Just seems odd. Please enlighten me ghost believers.

Who do you think took those missing teeth? DUH!!!

the aliens

thats how they keep track of who they've been visiting, the less teeth, the more they've been hanging with that person

everybody knows that :Smug:
Tell more!!

I personally have never seen a ghost. I am a skeptic, but I want to believe. X-files anybody?? Haha. I won't fully believe it until I see it, but my skepticism is meh. I have close friends who have seen things that are unexplainable, and these are sane people.

The alien abduction thing always scared the shit out of me as a kid. Anyone seen the movie "Fire in the Sky" or read "Communion." I'm more of a skeptic in that department now due to astral projection, but it still gives me the chills thinking that it's possible! I really don't want to believe in them, because it's so damn frightening if it's true. Butttt, how can we explain the same people, in the same group, having the same experience while passing lie detector tests.

I love talking about this stuff, even if it is all bullshit, haha.

Not all people end up as ghosts...
Casper 101 suckah.

Hahahah, I was thinking the same thing

And Social, I think the issue is you're regarding ghosts too literally; when I say ghosts I mean spirits or just in general supernatural phenomena that nonetheless seems to be conscious.

Kazrog's experience is very similar to mine (which Grywolf mentioned in this thread, post 100) - to non-believers, read mine, you've already read Kazrog's, and trust us on this, there's just no doubt. I'd ask you guys to please not ask me specifics if you can help it, cuz it honestly makes me really uncomfortable to relive it (it genuinely scared/scares the shit out of me, and after writing that post over the summer, I was honestly a wreck for a week after).
Ghosts exist. Those who claim they don't without informing themselves are simply ignorant and close-minded.
Go find a parapsychology laboratory and ask about Kirlian photography and if there's a way for you to get a Kirlian camera to capture a ghost.
This technique photographs the electric field of any objects' aura.

Still, the phenomena of ghosts is still very unexplored. It could be trespassers from another dimension, another frequency-range or beings trapped between "worlds".
And keep in mind, things like that sounds unbelievable because of their strange nature. But just because we can't explain it (yet), doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
FWIW i just pounded a few beers and the ghost went away. i think it was a squirrel in the gutter or something, maybe not, who cares anyway. i'm not scared. even if there are ghosts, why would you be scared of them??? first of all, i don't think ghosts have ever done anything, they just kind of hang around and act weird. they can't physically touch you. so they move a candle a few feet or something. until someone gets killed by a ghost, i stand firm with my opinion. fuck ghosts. and why aren't any ghosts hot women??? why must they be little girls or creepy old people???

hot women don't die???

regardless, it is a bit creepy when you hear like weird noises but just think to yourself that it's probably just a weird noise, not some 8 year old girl with long dark hair in her pajamas bothering you for no reason. although i must admit if a green tinted 8 year old girl with long dark hair in her pajamas ever were to appear in the middle of the night, after pissing myself, i would probably just punch her in the face. give me a break, these movies never even show what ghosts do to people. they just stand there, next thing you know the person is dead, someone please come up with a good scenario as to what happens in between.

rant over.