FWIW i just pounded a few beers and the ghost went away. i think it was a squirrel in the gutter or something, maybe not, who cares anyway. i'm not scared. even if there are ghosts, why would you be scared of them??? first of all, i don't think ghosts have ever done anything, they just kind of hang around and act weird. they can't physically touch you. so they move a candle a few feet or something. until someone gets killed by a ghost, i stand firm with my opinion. fuck ghosts. and why aren't any ghosts hot women??? why must they be little girls or creepy old people???
hot women don't die???
regardless, it is a bit creepy when you hear like weird noises but just think to yourself that it's probably just a weird noise, not some 8 year old girl with long dark hair in her pajamas bothering you for no reason. although i must admit if a green tinted 8 year old girl with long dark hair in her pajamas ever were to appear in the middle of the night, after pissing myself, i would probably just punch her in the face. give me a break, these movies never even show what ghosts do to people. they just stand there, next thing you know the person is dead, someone please come up with a good scenario as to what happens in between.
rant over.