There is no end to stupidity


Apr 19, 2002
So I was going to the basement to get some stuff I needed. It's hot
even in Norway ;) so I walk around without shoes, socks etc..
And I thought, damn I haven't cut my feet for ages, I'm sure I don't
need no slippers down there, just be careful. So I went down
there, found my stuff and then stepped on something.

Oh - the pain! It was a thick nail-thingie which penetrated and
stuck in my heal. Then - lots of blood and shit :heh:

Anyhow - I seem to do the opposite of what I should just too many
times... why do ppl choose to be stupid? (yes, I know I'm not the only one)

I think I take the winning prize here..

I kicked a running lawn-mower, and as a result I now have only 9½ toes.. (the blade stopped halfway through the Big Toe's bone, thank Crikey).

When I was younger, my friends and I were walking in the woods across the road from my house. We came upon some old cars and decided to throw rocks at the windows. The front windshield from one of them wouldn't fall out so I decided to kick it in...bad idea. The top of the windshield fell on my ankle, and I had to get 6 stitches. :(

One time I dropped a washing machine on my foot while moving. It hurt. My toenail was missing in action for a few weeks.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Thank you Orchid. That was certainly.. not a very bright idea :D

The damn thing was running out of gas! :confused:

For Crikey's sake, I deserve to be sterilized lest I spawn no more idiocy upon this world.
When I was about seven, I was carving a pumpkin for halloween. I was using a steak knife at the time, because I broke all of the knives that you're actually supposed to use for pumpkin carving.
So, I was doing just fine with the steak knife, but the handle started getting slippery, and when I was pushing it into the pumpkin, my hand slipped down and I cut my palm open.

Another time, me and two friends when down to this little pond on the golf course (I was about 7 at the time, too). We were throwing rocks into the pond, and I got a bit too close to one of my friends, and ended up getting a rather large rock slammed into the back of my head. Lots of blood.
Me too! Btw, my foot is doing good now, but damn it hurt, but not
after 20 mins... besides the trail of dripping blood from the basement
looked br00tal :heh: It was oh so grim.
Originally posted by nevershine
When I was a kid I ran with a wooden "knife" in hand, tripped and *schlung* right in the eye...blut. Lots of blood and a minor operation. :D

Ouch!!!! :eek:
One time at band camp...., well, actually, when I was younger, I was getting dressed. I was standing at my bureau, and had to get to the middle dresser drawer. Well, the top drawer was open, and willie-the-one-eyed-wonder-worm was just hanging there. So I closed the top drawer right on poor willie - man, that hurt.

My brother stuck a pencil in my temple.

I stuffed hamburger into my brothers ear - hehe, a great emergency room trip.

I drove to the beach, and figured since I was only going to the beach and no where else, that shoes were unnecessary. In 90+ degree heat, I found out exactly how hot pavement got (and of course, since it was so crowded, that was a LONG walk). And you think there was relief in the sand? Ummm- no.