There should be laws against bad reviews (SSMT review of My Fruit..)


Jun 1, 2001
Some (the press, the band's rabid fans, this site's webmaster) would have you believe that Maudlin of the Well is a novel, experimental and adventurous band who produces incredibly novel music.

Don't believe them.

At least on this album (and I doubt I'll subject myself to their other output to test the generality of this statement), all they deliver is a bunch of incoherent songs built from parts drawn from other bands' lesser music, package them under ludicrous titles, and affect artiste poses in the press to impress unrefined listeners with their oh-so-brilliant approach to music. But as a supposedly new artist, you know you have a problem when a less gullible listener (like yours truly) says "Ha! That bit sounded exactly like band X" every 2 minutes. "Ferocious Weights" is a lame My Dying Bride knockoff with some In The Woods warbling thrown into the pot and a plain horrible and gratuitously pseudo-random chord progression. Other songs, which I cannot bring myself to name by their simply stunningly grotesque titles (which make Solefald look positively meek by comparison), are straight out of really old Candlemass, Tiamat, The Gathering, Therion and Lacuna Coil albums. Except they suck. Hard. Not that Lacuna Coil or My Dying Bride were great prizes to begin with, but that's another story for another review. The more melodic songs sound like a blend of In The Woods outtakes with vocal lines even more meandering, incoherent and pointless than those heard on Solitude Aeturnus' early records. And on the rare occasion when someone in the band comes up with a tolerable idea, they just play that very same idea over and over for five minutes instead of trying to come up with another.

And don't get me started on the performances. In the course of the band members' musical development, everyone seemingly forgot that when the drummer goes "thwack" and the guitarist goes "strum" on the beat, they're supposed to do it at the same time. There's a big difference between missing the beat by a small fraction here and there on purpose for artistic effect and just being incompetent, and some of these guys fall squarely in the latter camp. Which is surprising, because clearly some of the other band members are quite proficient; but I certainly can't blame those who can actually play for not wanting to learn those truly awful parts for recording and leaving them to their authors instead.

What galls me most about this pitiful excuse for an artistic entrée is that a lot of time and effort was quite evidently expended on getting the album together (though most of that time was probably spent coming up with the most intensely horrid song titles and lyrics since the discovery of fire). Considering how understaffed animal shelters and oil spill cleaning crews typically are, I can only lament the fact that a dozen misguided individuals thought it was a better idea to concoct this bizarre monument to atrocity than to help kitties and penguins have better lives.

But let us not conclude on such a maudlin note. If you want to hear artists that truly push the boundaries and make great music, try Arcturus' La Masquerade Infernale, In The Woods Strange in Stereo, Mr Bungle's self-titled album, Devin Townsend, or Solefald's The Linear Scaffold. If your wishes are more modest and you just want to hear good music, hell, just about anything is better than this despicable waste of air waves.

Review by Rog The Frog Billerey-Mosier

Review date: 07/2004
This Frog guy might have a point about the production side of the album but it's clear his review isn't stemming from a fair appreciation of the music. He's giving his raw reaction to it, and I tend to think the negativity is more social in nature than concretely aesthetic. The guy listens to an album, is given a visceral reaction, feels challenged or offended, and then goes off to a computer to rant about it, never questioning if he's missed something. That's masturbating repulsion. The slanted subjective nature of that makes it horrible review.
xfer said:
why is he reviewing My Fruit in July 2004?
SSMT does retro reviews as well as current. That being said I don't understand why Froggy'd want to bash a five-year old debut from a band that's since amply proved their worth. I agree with Xtokalon about the subjectivity of it all. Feels like he woulda bashed anything that day and it just happened to be the maud.
yeah, that's what i meant, nut butter...i mean, i think MY FRUIT is great, but the general consensus, i think, is that MOTW peaked with the Bath/LYBM project, and it seems pretty strange he would choose My Fruit first and never listen to Bath/LYBM.

it's like never hearing a Clash album, picking up Cut the Crap, and then saying, "I don't know why everyone loves them so much! I'm not going to bother looking at London Calling or The Clash or Sandanista! or Give 'Em Enough Rope or even Combat Rock."

not really, because CtC was generally considered sucky, which MFPASC isn't...but you get my point.

"What we have here is an example of what I'll call 'Categoric Distinction'. In Category A, we have writers who are knowledgable about their topics, including a wide breadth of seemingly unrelated information, who also possess an uncanny ability to not only paint interesting and detailed picture of their subjects but can also draw references from far and wide, reaching beyond the scope of what we'll call 'Normal Conversational Fodder'. In Category B, we have The Frog."
Yeesh you'd think the guy's girlfriend or wife got gangbanged by the MFPASC lineup or something
motW/Kayo Dot made some enemies on the SSMT board when they "abandoned metal." I think its kinda funny/sad that John Chedsey gave such glowing reviews to Bath and LYBM on the site, as if they were two of the best albums ever recorded... but "doesn't feel motivated to check out the new Kayo Dot album unless he finds it in a used bin." I mean, I like those folks some of the times, but its pretty clear that their musical preferences are only partially based on *music.*
Nut Butter said:
SSMT does retro reviews as well as current. That being said I don't understand why Froggy'd want to bash a five-year old debut from a band that's since amply proved their worth. I agree with Xtokalon about the subjectivity of it all. Feels like he woulda bashed anything that day and it just happened to be the maud.
The guy has been pretty outspoken against both motw and Kayo Dot for a long time now, even though he's only heard one motw album and never bothered to listen to any Kayo Dot material.

Anywho, I used to read the reviews on that site a lot and then I realized that about half of them sort of suck and aren't very informative, even though I may agree with them.
capeda said:
motW/Kayo Dot made some enemies on the SSMT board when they "abandoned metal." I think its kinda funny/sad that John Chedsey gave such glowing reviews to Bath and LYBM on the site, as if they were two of the best albums ever recorded... but "doesn't feel motivated to check out the new Kayo Dot album unless he finds it in a used bin." I mean, I like those folks some of the times, but its pretty clear that their musical preferences are only partially based on *music.*
He rejected an offer to have the CD mailed to him by another member of the board, saying "Oh, I'll hear it eventually. I could just download it, but it requires effort." Getting something mailed to you usually doesn't require any effort, so um, I don't really know why he hasn't heard the album yet.

Oh wait, "[Kayo Dot] really is a stupid name."
I like SSMT, but mostly Chedsey's reviews. Concerning My Fruit Psychobells, it's easily my least favorite motW/KO. material, but I still like it quite a bit.