There was this one time Sam said he was going to end Christianity with his drumming

Dude, if Jesus only could see into the future and realise that his suffering and death would be rendered meaningless by a bunch of guys in corpsepaint and Cradle of Filth t-shirts, I bet he would've run off with Mary Magdalene and skipped this whole "salvation" thing.
wow... you can control time with your drumming?

(and, is the pope part of christianity... or just catholoisim?(sp?))

wait, don't have a discustion about that. i don't want the first "real" conversation on the board happen because of something i said. i don't need that weight on my shoulders...

shit... falsetodd... control time or something!
Here we go. Warping back 5 minutes.....


OK, my drumming didn't end Christianity per se, but it made the pope all old and shit. Just to anticipate criticism, yes, the Pope is a figurehead for catholicism and not all Christ-ness, but that just makes him, y'know really Lorded out. Nobody talk about this anymore.
for some the pope is just a zombie like creature with less vertebral spine than a snail.. but he still rules!!