there's a moth in the kitchen

rahvin said:
as far as i remember you were among the thugs who brought me to a club where moths were repeatedly trying to copulate with the lights overhead, round about last summer, so you deserve every single trauma people might bestow upon you. :p
i don't know what you're talking about. :grin: i was likely to be already drunk anyway, thus i'm not responsible for it. but i like the idea of being a thug. :p
King Chaos said:
Lizards are soooo cool.
They are especially cool when they shit all over your room. They are cooler still when you have to jump to avoid stepping on one, lest their tail comes loose and wiggly under your foot. But they're at their absolute coolest when they zip around trying to mate with other lizards, and in the heat of the moment, fall off the wall :lol:

(P.S Li, your new avy is fantastic :lol: )
Thanks :)
King Chaos said:

This is kinda the reason why movie monsters can never
scare us, we know they don't excist, but that thing is
friggin nasty looking and we know it is out there :OMG:
Me I like spiders, had a pet Tarantula for over 15 years (very little maintenance, give it water and some crickets every now and then) . Its sort of interesting when spiders mate , 99 times out of 100 the female will kill and eat the male . So I guess in the spider world, love 'em and leave 'em is a good idea.
Or this nasty fuck.


Initially, there may be little or no pain from a brown recluse bite, but, over the course of several hours, an intense localized pain develops, followed by inflammation of the area. Within a few days, a large ulcerous sore forms around the bite. This sore heals very slowly and leaves a large disfiguring scar. There is no specific anti-venom available for brown recluse toxin, but various other treatments are used to promote healing. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to alleviate pain and speed healing of ulcerated tissue. :(

@ DJ: :lol:

@Miolo: Sorry about the heart attack there buddy ;)

@Nick: Those spiders are totally nasty because of their venom. The camel spider has desire to kill. It has a minimal amount of venom and apparantly has the extra legs to pin itself to the food it chooses. Then its devours it alive by just literally biting chunks out of it :ill:. They've attacked humans before and during the day they chase shadows (as they are desert based). If you've got a shawdow it'll chase you... and it will catch you :(.

This Beast is one of Satans untimely mineons-

My spidey-sense is tingling! Anyone call for a web-slinger?

And hows about this beast?

Keep in mind this thing is about 12 feet long, the Japanese Spider-Crab is immense! The next picture is the size of it compared to humans.


Mother, I will flee!
Why are you getting so worked up by such nice and furry animals as spiders. They've got more legs than average, so what. Have you ever tried going to bed and finding a python under your sheet?