There's no God! But there's Devin Townsend!!!


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany
Hey Guys,

Just saw the Devin Townsend Project live yesterday evening.
The opener was a local, very generic band called blinded halo, ,
almost the whole crowd was standing outside smoking.
At 20:30 (I think, not sure) Devin and his guys entered the stage.
They started with "Addicted" and it was fucking awesome. He jumped into the crowd in the first minute
and just started a really great show.
They played a lot of their older stuff, only 3-4 songs from Addicted and Ki,
all in all almost 2 hours with a little (5-10 minutes) break in the middle.

Devin's voice just killed, he played his Peavey 7 string V with just the EMG in the bridge for a few songs, one with
a humbucker in the bridge and a neck single coil and his strat style 6 string Peavey
with passives as far as I could see. Played it through the Axe-Fx and sounded pretty good.
He had the best sound I ever heard in that venue, it's an old tunnel and not really sound proofed, so
it could have been better, but it was still good. Their other guitar player played a PRS SE Mike Mushok Baritone with EMGs through
a Mesa Dual Rectifier into a Mesa 4x12 Standard cab, I think he boosted it, but I'm not sure.
Bass player played an old ESP Horizon five string and a newer ESP preci style one into a Peavey Head and Peavey 8x10 and
an Ampeg SVT into 8x10, I don't know shit about drums, so no info about this part.
But he played goddamn awesome, really tight and hard hitting.

That's it, I can't descirbe it any better, it was just really really cool and Devin is hilarious.

Pics (sorry for the bad quality, it was the 6 year old, really cheap cam of my gf):





Devin in the crowd:
