Cheat codes have their place for things, such as increased gore and large heads, like in NBA JAM, but honestly, I had the experience of playing a game with a younger cousin of mine, and they typically do not understand challenge. And indeed a game such as Contra needs up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, A, B, select, and start, in order to make that game beatable. On the other hand if you go game genie and enforce the endless winged B, or Bionic, producing invincibility, it's wrong. Its like swatting a fly with a bunker buster missile. Oh and Greg and Alex, though I know the challenge of beating NG1 and NG2 on and actual NES, emulation made that game a lot less infuriating, as when you die, you don't have to backtrack about 8 MILES. Seriously makes the game a lotmore enjoyable to know that if you get to a part you know you're going to die at least the first time around, you can load up and get a second chance or if you do something amazing that can't be duplicated you can save it there. Jaquio SUCKS!