these damn kids today with their cheat codes...

i liked cheat codes that circumvented flaws in the game or annoying features of the game--for example, a code giving you 10 lives instead of 3.

but codes that make you invulnerable? that give you nuclear cannons from the getgo? shit like that is RETARDED.
xfer said:
but codes that make you invulnerable? that give you nuclear cannons from the getgo? shit like that is RETARDED.
shit like that is what helped me finally beat ninja gaiden 2 after one of the longest and msot grueling and brain-breaking experiences playing that game for like 12 hours straight.
the concept makes sense to me. there are 10000000 games kids want to play. they rent the games. they can see an entire game with cheat codes.

i think if someone made a good game that wasn't the same as every other game, besides the intensity of the artwork—which is always different and basically defines 90% of games lately, not the gameplay itself—then there won't be as much cheat coding.
also, i think it takes a moderate degree of motivation and effort to learn the control schemes and whatnot for these games, more than sitting around and watching cartoons when we were kids. in fact i would bet that a slothy video/PC game kid is way more efficient at doing simple tasks than most anyone growing up 10-20 years ago
I rarely used cheat codes. The only one I used really were just the Konami 29 lives code for Contra and Life Force, and I think I tried game genie once but wasn't into it.
I'm glad too.. because there are still a couple games I have never been able to beat, and therefore going back to them even now is still fun. Namely, Ninja Gaiden 1, and others.
also, my 13 year old sister's 13 year old 'boyfriend' told her that i 'ask too many questions' and turned down an offer to give him a CD of older metallica stuff.
Im the cheat code monster. I use them for everything. I admit, im lazy, and don't have the time that I used to to sit and beat a game the right way. I cheat my ass off, every chance I get, to get through the game. Games are also much harder then the used to be, or im just getting much older. Either or, hooray for cheats! :)
greg you bastard, I bet NG2 without cheat codes.

and Toby, you never beat NG1?? that was one of my proudest moments, but I thought you ended up stealing my thunder by doing it right around the same time I did.
yeah it doesn't affect gameplay at all, just my own personal enjoyment level. but I mean come on,if I hit someone in the neck with a damned lightsaber I want that head to POP off that fucker!
Cheat codes have their place for things, such as increased gore and large heads, like in NBA JAM, but honestly, I had the experience of playing a game with a younger cousin of mine, and they typically do not understand challenge. And indeed a game such as Contra needs up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, A, B, select, and start, in order to make that game beatable. On the other hand if you go game genie and enforce the endless winged B, or Bionic, producing invincibility, it's wrong. Its like swatting a fly with a bunker buster missile. Oh and Greg and Alex, though I know the challenge of beating NG1 and NG2 on and actual NES, emulation made that game a lot less infuriating, as when you die, you don't have to backtrack about 8 MILES. Seriously makes the game a lotmore enjoyable to know that if you get to a part you know you're going to die at least the first time around, you can load up and get a second chance or if you do something amazing that can't be duplicated you can save it there. Jaquio SUCKS!