These guys on UM?!



I was surprised to see this banner on this page...
There are about a dozen or so bands I've seen with that font. I can't think of half of them, but Warmachine does as does the aforementioned astral doors.

I've seen it all over the place, pop machines, posters, a local company in Windsor uses it as well for their logo.
I saw the video for Scream Aim Fire the other day and honestly, that's a really good song. Should they hire a Kiske clone for vocals they'd be a rather decent power metal band actually!:kickass:
That's a Google advertisement, Sixxi. I doubt Deron has much control over what Google serves up. They probably target all music-related boards and websites, be they underground or pop.

You are correct, although I would not turn down direct sales to a band like BFMV if they're looking to try and market themselves to fans of Old School music or what have you.

This is a good time to plug the new Sister forum site coming soon... - which will cater to that style of music directly :)

also soon: