they didn't come for us all today


Apr 25, 2002
Visit site
i made a special journey into town to HMV, to pick up WCFYA, and guess what-
in the thrax's space in the rack was the message: "WCFYA not available till midweek. sorry thrashers". i asked and they said this was due to "problems with the suppliers". fuckers!!
how annoying is that??????
yeah i was just gonna buy it and listen to it to tide me over until my ltd. edition came from NB, then take it back to HMV for a refund.

fuck them, their prices are totally a rip-off.
The mailman has yet to come today(he usually doesn't deliver the mail till 1/2 p.m.) so I have to wait. But I doubt I'll get it today. Britain from U.S. takes at least a week. I WANT THE LYRICS GODDAMMIT!!!!:(
NB sucks!!!!!!!!nothing in the mail!!!!
The fuckers could at least post in last friday so we the real fans have it on the date of release, wich should be today!!!!!!!!!!
More of this every fuckin day until I have it in the mail!!!!!!!