They're Not Quite Opeth, but.....................


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site
.........Dimmu Borgir was awesome in concert. Here is my order for tonights show, from least to most favorite:

Cryptopsy - other then a few interesting riffs, it was just all noise. The acoustics of the venue were too echoey.

Diabolic - they were decent. Much better guitar solos, and I liked the voice a tad better then Cryptopsy

Krisiun - pretty unbelievable. The guitar work here was fast and furious. And some of the solos were incredible (of which there were quite a few) - just incredible.

Dimmu Borgir - I was in awe - thanks Norway!!! (Blackspirit:) ). The use of keyboards were perfect. "Black" metal live by Dimmu was one of the best concert experiences of my life. They just don't make them like that in America. There are great bands in the U.S.A., but none that play metal quite like Dimmu.

So I assume they were bumped in the 2nd round of the band dropping game we got going. Oh well - they would of been one of the last to go on my list.
I'm one of those who loves the band too, especially PEM. What a change... and completely for the better.

It'd be an amazing show. I'm incredibly envious!!!
Originally posted by Villain
I really think Stormblåst is their best album - but I guess that's just me. :Smug:


I haven't heard 'Stormblast' (I don't think my keyboard can handle the 'umlarder' -spelling?-)
Do you really feel it's their best? I've seen it in the store I go to for a while now and I've always left it thinking it'd be too under-developed or something.

Compared to the new stuff Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is kind of basic.
Originally posted by requiem

Do you really feel it's their best? I've seen it in the store I go to for a while now and I've always left it thinking it'd be too under-developed or something.

Well, whether or not it is better than the later stuff, is for sure just a matter of taste, but Stormblåst was definitely different - not so blatantly aimed at the I'll-scare-my-mother-with-this-satanic-music-kiddos, who made their later records sell platinum. Try and download a song or two to make your own mind. :dopey:

Originally posted by Hearse
It must have great gig!
I have wanted to see Live Dimmu for some time!

(I hope they didn't play with blood? I heard that they didn't even have corpse masks in Wacken...) I assume that they have stopped that devilish acting.

I think too many people bark Dimmu just cause their older music (music before EDT, SBD and PEM), which sucks, but now. Dimmu is whole new band, and they rock!

Other than some white on their faces - it was about the music. They played - not worrying about any stage production other than the use of fog and lights.

Full sound - clean. I loved it.
I saw Dimmu in London along with: Lacuna Coil, In Flames, Nevermore and Susperia.

Actually, I thought they were good, but not great. Opeth live were much better than Dimmu live to be honest! In Flames were the best band of the night and sort of stole the show (they slayed!!!!!).

I really enjoyed it though. They were thoroughly enjoyable. I'm one of the camp that think PEM is outstanding and quality production doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Nick uses a lot of triggers on his drumming and it's kind of obvious from the sound, but that doesn't take away from his being an outstanding drummer. They did have quite a lot of corpsepaint when I saw them, but not like Immortal or anything, quite modest stuff.

Great band man!!
I am with you Villain, Dimmu's earlier stuff is definately my favorite. The melancholic atmosphere of the first two albums is so beautiful. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is amazing too, but I don't care much for SBD, and PEM is very interesting I look forward to seeing where they will go with that album in the future.
i love their old stuff and the new stuff. its all really good shit so i shouldnt seclude myself to just one. I cant wait to see this show. im going to the show sunday. ill let you guys know what i think (if your even interested in my opinion:p )
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Diabolic - they were decent. Much better guitar solos, and I liked the voice a tad better then Cryptopsy

I saw Diabolic in Jan, Marduk tour, Mrduk didnt show.....

Diabolics lead tone, and licks are great. Igot their newest cd at the show, they are much better live. Those solos blew me away.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Dimmu Borgir - I was in awe - thanks Norway!!! (Blackspirit:) ).

Yeah!!!! >:eek:) I mean, if it wasn't for me there
wouldn't be a Dimmu Borgir!!!? >:eek:P Hehe.... :eek:)

So, on behalf of all of Norway; we are VERY glad
you enjoyed the show! This was our goal, to
get at least ONE Opeth fan happy!
Our mission is now completed, it's time to call
Dimmu back home... >:eek:P

Btw; Spellemannsprisen (Norwegian grammy)
is held tomorrow and Dimmu are nominated,
along with Borknagar... :eek:)
Originally posted by ledmag

I saw Diabolic in Jan, Marduk tour, Mrduk didnt show.....

Diabolics lead tone, and licks are great. Igot their newest cd at the show, they are much better live. Those solos blew me away.

Marduk have been messed around by Imigrations dude. They didn't all get their visas through despite being promised they would at vaious times. It's all to do with increased border security over the last few months.

They promise continually that they are doing their best to get it all sorted, but the beaurocrats who run Europe (and probably the world) are very VERY slow and infuriatingly pedantic people!!!