things i like about america





CC is right, we are superior; which brings me to a question I want to ask: You just couldn't stand our fabulous healthcare system could you Cookie? It's alright, you don't have to answer, my superior American logic has deemed that it only makes sense that you moved to Canada so some poor immigrant could have the healthcare you didn't need.

You are a hero.
I didn't realize how much of my life in America I took for granted until I came to England. Basic stuff.

French toast. Pancakes (real pancakes). Real peanut butter. Lower prices. Diners (I haven't seen a diner here.... at all). Not being charged extra for bags at the supermarket or various other stores. Cheaper public transportation.
My top 3 America list:
1. Boyd Rice
2. Pizza Hut
3. Hickory BBQ sauce.

I have to say... Pizza Hut in England tastes better!

Though, there's nothing like Pizza Hut. The great thing about the American Pizza Hut restaurants is that they actually have bread sticks. Here, bread sticks are nasty.
Accually, I have never been to America, only eaten Pizza Hut in Sweden, but as it is originally from there I included it on the list. :)

BTW, this is REAL panncakes: ;)

Baked in the oven with bacon in it. Served with lingonberry jam!
Heh, all dependent on where you're from.

Gotcha about the Pizza Hut though.

American Pizza Hut = Bread sticks, many many many more choices
British Pizza Hut = Better tasting pizza