Things you miss...

I miss:

-hanging out with friends almost every day like I did in high school
-last year at the haunted house, since I may not be able to do it anymore
-writing for only myself...seemed like more fun back then
-being ten and getting up on Saturday morning to watch Spider-Man
-friends of mine who have let their lives go to waste
-having a car that's not a P.O.S.
-being able to spend money without wincing

I know there's got to be more, but I'm tired.
Let's see, I miss

Sleeping at night.

Sex on a daily basis.

Having a bar in walking distance that served stout at 3 bucks a pint and Jameson at three-fifty a glass. Those were wonderful days of stumbling home through little illegal immigrant neighborhoods while singing Irish folk songs or Johnny Cash really loudly.

My pets. All of them ever.

And I miss Neal, because even though I've never been around him, I can feel his lack in my life.
Nostalgia for your teenage years is mostly about a time when you didn't have to hold down a job, pay bills, do daily housework, etc. and could hang out with your friends all the time. I can barely make one day a week to see my friends anymore what with everyones' jobs/wives/kids.
Ryan, everything gets more and more awesome as you get older, as long as you make good choices while you're young. If you decide to get married and have 4 kids by the time you're 19, then your life is probably going to feel a little limited. Not that it's a bad thing to do something like that, but you must realize that you are putting a limiter on your personal issues, wants, wills, and needs when you bring other people into the matter.

I don't want to tell you to be selfish, but do what's right for YOU. Don't hurt anyone in the process, but don't hurt yourself for anyone else. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Don't dwell on regrets. I have absolutely no regrets, and I did a few stupid things when I was in my late teens, early 20s. Accept them as learning experiences and that's that.

Lots of people ask me how I've done all the shit I've done. I just tell them that I just did it. It's no secret. If you want to do something, weigh the consequences and make your decision. If 99% of the people tell you you're a moron for doing something but you enjoy doing it and it's not like smoking crack or something like that, what's the problem?

Everyone has this fear of getting old. People think that when you're 30 you're supposed to be married with kids, working some shit job you sacrificed all your dreams for. I sacrificed my steady and well-paid job for my dreams. You have to decide which is better for you. Stability and very few worries, or a little more stress but in complete control of your own life? The choice is yours. I turn 29 next month and I've done more in the past ten years of my life than most people I know have done and will ever do. You just gotta do it.
I miss:
-friends of mine who have let their lives go to waste

I'd have to quote you on these 2. Although, I could just start wheelyboarding again if I bothered. Also miss:

-Late, great friend Mark.
-Late, great dog (mad) Max.
-Any late family members I had any love for.
-An old ex-army vet and his wife I'd known since childhood; until she got Alzheimer's and he died of old-age last year.
-Lucky Charms.
-Megadeth's RIP line-up.
-A skatepark located several miles from where I live that was undeservingly demolished a couple years back.
-No terrorist attacks in Scotland.
-Some girl.
-This 75 of Leffe I'm aboot to finish.

Other shite I cannae remember the now.