Things you wish DT had done differently...

the track order on projector is awful. you get two similar-sounding songs at the very beginning, three heavy-intense songs in a row (tabh, tsfb, nn), plus on your time at the very end (a good spot for nn in my opinion).

Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Personally speaking... its a crime that Rundown only has that chorus once...

I agree with this. The chorus is awesome and it's a shame it's not repeated later on in the song. On the other hand, if it appeared, like, 4 times during the song, it wouldn't be such a climax. Repeating might turn it into a regular chorus (not that there's anything wrong with 'regular choruses' when it's DT we're talking about). It wouldn't probably be the emotional outburst it is now.

Originally posted by Wanderingblade
rahvin - are you mad? On your time is one of DT's best outro songs ever IMO...

i'd have liked it in a more emphatic position. what about the opener? :)

@tranquil chaos: you're right. and then there's the zillion times when mikael double-sings the last vowel sound in a word at the end of a verse. this is so not cool (oul)!

I don't like Final Resistance much either. I think a lot of Projector could have been done better.
I'm also surprised Rahvin hasn't mentioned FreeCard yet.

It amazes me how people can totally pick apart every damn detail of an album...insane! I tell ya I am glad I never tried to put out an album of my own...reading things like this would drive me MAD!

Ahh the never-ending scrutiny:p

Carry on:)
Hmm, the only thing I can think of fast is the font type, size and color on the CD booklet of The Mind's I.
Man that one is hard to read, lovely gold on a dark red is not a good combo either, I been breaking my eyes with it ;)
YES! I'd forgotten that.. I have to use dark lyrics for reading that bit in the booklet.

I'd also like to make a small bitch about them not printing all the lyrics..

rahvin: Instead of Freecard? Wouldn't work. The drum intro is good, but lacks the force to carry as the introduction of an album, while the last echoing calls of "Time" are a perfect ending...

And to all those who don't like Final Resistance... get some taste :p
a) They should have kicked Friden out before recording Skydancer.

b) Crimson Winds should have been re-recorded with Mikael, not Alone.

c) The production on TMI is not up to DT standards. The bass is buried in the mix, and the production doesn't breathe in the same way as Skydancer and The Gallery.

d) Cornered should have been on Haven.