Things you wish DT had done differently...

Oww! I almost forgot! There's this part in "Day To End", which is truly beautiful, where Mikael (great vocals, really, fantastic..!) sounds like he is singing out of tune... I'll be back with the exact time this happens in the song. :)
too difficult question.. there is always something..
less choruses to next album, please.
DD is too formal (? and everyone understands..)

RH, who needs a dictionary-program all-the-time.
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
I don't like Final Resistance. :waah:

totally agree:cry: the production is lame on skydancer, TMI is great on that section.
i wish sundin would continue to write lyrics,and stop the drawing!

rahvin is right,on your time is waisted so in the fact the ones that are before it have different style,so you cant fit it in, shame cos its probably the best on projector!

i wish henri'd headbang a bit more:grin: and back in the bass:cry:
I don't like the DVD cover :waah:

Siren (you can see it as a pop-up in the main site)

:rolleyes: ok...

- red_beef :lol: