Think About An End - I Take My Leave

OK, so you found God. That's great, but I don't know why you can't love God AND listen to Anthrax!(I do!) Nowhere in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not listen to good music"! Just think about it before you give up all your tunes, OK?
I think it is cool that some one has some beliefs, and he is not afraid to share them. You have to respect someone elses beliefs in order for anyone to respect your own.
MikeyBong said:
OK, so you found God. That's great, but I don't know why you can't love God AND listen to Anthrax!(I do!) Nowhere in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not listen to good music"! Just think about it before you give up all your tunes, OK?

yes, i agree that :hotjump:

anthrax and god, thats works together, why not? Its a cause anthrax use pentagraph?
i keep saying to myself i'll stop watching this thread, but i haven't clicked the cancel button when i get notices of reply by email yet. the reactions i've gotten, both negative and positive are so intriguing that i feel copelled to see what happens next.

first off let's brush the topic of me being "brain washed". you must all understand that no one pushed this on me. no one made me go to church. no one made me start reading the bible. no one made me pray. no one made me accept God. i chose to accept Him. i did not HAVE to, just as none of you HAVE to accept Him or even believe in Him. like i said, that's what free will is all about. Jesus never forced his word on anyone. He simply spoke to people and if they accepted Him then he rejoiced. if they did not accept Him then he would not curse them or look down on them, but let them know that they are still loved no matter what they choose. a man i work with who is also a baptist minister is the one who gave me a bible that i chose to read. i have known this person for a year and known he was a minister the whole time. we have never brushed the subject of religion until recently. i came to him. he never even mentioned anything to me. that's important to understand. i felt compelled to open up to him and after that things started to change for the better. for the last 3 years of my life i have been completely lost emotionally. nothing i bought or did made me feel any better. my wife, who is the most important living person in my life has always been christian. she never once pushed her beliefs on me though. she loved me as a person and respected me enough to let me work things out on my own now matter how much it hurt her. i was sick of living every day knowing that i was huring the one person on this earth who has loved and supported me unconditionally for the last 7+ years of my life without trying and i had no control over it. my wife means the world to me and i was tired of being someone who couldn't understand aand support her the way she supported me. now that i have found Christ and found faith i can be the man she needs and hopefully one day soon we can start afamily of our own and i can experience parenthood. if that does happen i believe it is a blessing that God will give us. if we do not have children of our own i still have other young people that my wife teaches in school that i can be involved with and experience them growing and learning about the world.

now, as to why i chose to stop listening to anthrax's music. there is nothing in teh bible that says i cna't listen to good music. i can still listen to anthrax if i want to. i choose not to. and it's not just anthrax. i have left behind most of the music i used to listen to because i feel it is counterproductive to the life i want to lead now. it's a personal decision and is my choice. no one else decided it for me. God did not come to me and say "Stop listening to music. It's bad for you." i wanted to make the most out of my new found faith and be the best man and best husband that i could be. for this same reason i also got rid of any pornography i had and made a conscious attempt to control my cussing and the way i look at other women.

like i said before, any of you who have never experience what i am going through cannot truly understand. some of you respect me for being open about what i am feeling and some of you mock me. either way it doesn't matter what anyone says. i know what i am feeling in my heart and can state it very bluntly. for the first time in my entire life i feel hope and no fear. if i die in my sleep tonight i have no doubt that i will be safe. i am not ashamed of my feelings and am not afraid to talk to my faith to anyone who will listen. i will never force my beliefs on anyone. i can promise that. i hope that one day some of you might experience what i am feeling. it truly is like nothing i've ever felt before.

so on those notes i really will leave this time. i am unsubscribing from this thread and if any of you want to debate amongst yourselves feel free. talking never hurt anyone. if any of you care to correspon with me privately you can send me a PM and i'll still get email notification of it or you can email me at my goal now in my life is to be the best man that i can and help to spread the word of Christ. if you feel like asking me questions i will do the best i can to answer and i swear to never pass judgement on anyone or look down on anyone for seeing things differently than me. we are all human and all have individual personalities and that is what makes us special.
Tempation is pulling him back.... just say YES my SOn.....

PS... So is Anthrax the only music you listen to or are you posting this on other boards??????
The Man said:
for this same reason i also got rid of any pornography i had and made a conscious attempt to control my cussing and the way i look at other women.

What's the point of living without metal and porn?

When that guy said Anthrax wasnt exactly Decide on the religious front and you took it the wrong way, he was talking about the band DECIDE, you nimrod.

Have fun listenin to Styper.
Anthrax_Mosher said:

When that guy said Anthrax wasnt exactly Decide on the religious front and you took it the wrong way, he was talking about the band DECIDE, you nimrod.

Have fun listenin to Styper.

There is still King´s X and they are pretty good. Guess some people have a problem with Doug being gay though...
I still don't get why he is comparing Anthrax's music to porn and things that he consider's "evil". I don't question his faith, just his resoning as it pertains to music. I had a similar experience a few years ago, but I still listen to metal. I guess there's no convincing him anyway, so why try.
Since people keep bumping old threads..............
How does someone go from this:

The Man- if you could suck your own dick would you? be honest too!
i definitely would.


i cannot fucking stand those guys. they are fucking pussies and should never be mentioned on a metal board. FUCK AVENGED SEVENFOLD! FUCK THEM RIGHT IN THE EAR!

To throwing away all their Anthrax stuff to be closer to God in two weeks?
Bleearg said:
Since people keep bumping old threads..............
How does someone go from this:

The Man- if you could suck your own dick would you? be honest too!
i definitely would.


i cannot fucking stand those guys. they are fucking pussies and should never be mentioned on a metal board. FUCK AVENGED SEVENFOLD! FUCK THEM RIGHT IN THE EAR!

To throwing away all their Anthrax stuff to be closer to God in two weeks?

I had to paypal him $10 to get the rest of MY Anthrax videos back from him that he was supposed to send me at his expense since I sent them to him at my expense. Of course, it actually only took $5 or $6 for him to ship them. I guess I was paying him for his time and gasoline. This was at least three months after his conversion, and I had to remind him of it. Pathetic. As for religion, well, personally, I think the man lost his mind. He had issues about it for quite some time, then all of a sudden, BOOM, holy jeebus!
If he has already made up his mind and he `s so sure about what he wants in his life; it`s OK with me. why can we argue about a grown up dude decition?? he doesn`t want anthrax and porno in his life no more, well, he made the choice. Think it the other way...a dude that was very into religion and felt betrayed by god that decides to buy Anthrax entire catalog and enough porn to get his arm like a tennis player; any of us would argue about it? NO! If the dude wants to cut his dick off and throw it to the birds, let him do that At least he`s not hurting anybody, and that`s what I do care about.

my 2 cents.
Why the hell did you have to bump this?
I think The Man was a cool guy, but I have to agree with Justin.
The Man said:
now, as to why i chose to stop listening to anthrax's music. there is nothing in teh bible that says i cna't listen to good music. i can still listen to anthrax if i want to. i choose not to. and it's not just anthrax. i have left behind most of the music i used to listen to because i feel it is counterproductive to the life i want to lead now. it's a personal decision and is my choice. no one else decided it for me. God did not come to me and say "Stop listening to music. It's bad for you." i wanted to make the most out of my new found faith and be the best man and best husband that i could be. for this same reason i also got rid of any pornography i had and made a conscious attempt to control my cussing and the way i look at other women.

This dude's turning into Ned fuckin' Flanders! I have nothing against his decision, I just don't understand it.