Think of a name for my radio show


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
Due to a gay situation, I have to think of a new name for my metal radio show this semester. I go to USC (mascot = gamecock) so the first name I thought of and used in the past was Metal Cock Radio. I need a new name now (due to this really gay story that I'm not going to get into here)

Anyway, any serious suggestions?

Deathcock Radio?
Carnage Radio (Andy's suggestion)?

I play all types of metal, but probably 70% death metal (a lot of that old school).

Due to a gay situation, I have to think of a new name for my metal radio show this semester. I go to USC (mascot = gamecock) so the first name I thought of and used in the past was Metal Cock Radio. I need a new name now (due to this really gay story that I'm not going to get into here)

Anyway, any serious suggestions?

Deathcock Radio?
Carnage Radio (Andy's suggestion)?

I play all types of metal, but probably 70% death metal (a lot of that old school).


I'm pretty sure he only thing gay about that is the name of your show. Metal Cock Radio? What the hell do you think people who have never listened in are going to think it's about? Most likely, metal cocks.

Why don't you name it something cool and original? Like Windmill Sessions, Cookie Monster Radio, or some shit like that.
I'm pretty sure he only thing gay about that is the name of your show. Metal Cock Radio? What the hell do you think people who have never listened in are going to think it's about? Most likely, metal cocks.

Why don't you name it something cool and original? Like Windmill Sessions, Cookie Monster Radio, or some shit like that.

I didn't even explain the "gay story" so your entire post is wrong actually :erk:
I'm pretty sure he only thing gay about that is the name of your show. Metal Cock Radio? What the hell do you think people who have never listened in are going to think it's about? Most likely, metal cocks.

what if its a halford themed show?
richard simmons power hour?
the abyss?
I don't know

I think you should just pick up a dictionary and come up with something that's original and pleases you instead of asking us.

Dude, wtf - I just realised that this picture looks like a chick with a thong spreading her legs if you look at it under a different perspective.