Calling all heterosexuals - Listen to my radio show (Wed. 8pm EST)

Just noticed this. Do we have any women on here who don't claim to be bisexual?

Claiming to be something and actually being something are two different things. It's not like I'm confused about what I like, I've actually just tried and enjoyed both and I find both very attractive, though I guess I am picky.

Also, lol at this in general. I'm surprised I'm posting such details. :lol:
So is there an actual reason why homosexuals shouldn't listen to this?
Um, mebbe bc faggots cant handle this shit?

I'm kidding tbh. It was a play off the whole "don't be a fucking faggot" thing. I wouldn't mind if 666 gay people listened to the show. In fact, that would be more blasphemous than 666 heteros.

Have to play CoF now bc someone requested it :erk:
Don't play it within the next ten minutes.
I'm finishing my game of PES and then I'm off to bed.
The deaths been good though :D And some of the black. Though some the stuff was a little slow and drawn out for me.
EDIT: You already played it :p Wasn't terrible.