Thinking about doing this to my studio... opinions

If you want a dead room it's an awful idea, if you want natural reverb it could be a good idea

stone reflects sound like a motherfucker
I don't want a dead room, I want some reflection and I was going to do some further treatment on top on the stone (bass traps, etc) I was just thinking of this more as something that will remove sound from bleeding outside the house
I don't want a dead room, I want some reflection and I was going to do some further treatment on top on the stone (bass traps, etc) I was just thinking of this more as something that will remove sound from bleeding outside the house

honestly, slapping some decorative flagstone or slate over an existing wall isn't going to do a whole lot to isolate noise. it will help, because it's increasing the mass of the wall, but not as much as you may think. there's still a wall there that likely wasn't built with sound isolation in mind, and without a mass-air-mass configuration, sine waves are still going make their way through that wall as well as the surrounding ones. you are right, though, that it will give you an uneven reflective surface which may help a bit to diffuse sound within the room.
Andy got some of this stuff on his walls, but it's because it was an old house so he didn't want to kill how it visually was.
It's pretty place that could have been ruined by the tech doing the acoustic work, so he left it almost as it was originally.

And the live room sounds pretty great.
so perhaps since im using the same room as control and live I could do 3/4 of the room (live side) like this and the other 1/4 (control side) without and more deadend?