Hey guys
I've been thinking about getting the legenday JMP-1. In a pawn shop for $400 but the seller doesn't know much about how to use it for home recording. Due to living at home still (and not having much money), don't have a big ol tube amp and cab as yet (just a small combo), but, correct me if I'm wrong, to get it rocking for direct recording to PC, I don't need a poweramp, just need to connect it to the interface, since impulses emulate both poweramp and cab? Or am I missing something really obvious here? Does the "grounding" issue apply here? I heard that AeternusEternus used a JMP for direct recording, but I hope I don't need a poweramp and cab!
Btw, please forgive me if I don't reply too soon, in the middle of cramming for an exam
I've been thinking about getting the legenday JMP-1. In a pawn shop for $400 but the seller doesn't know much about how to use it for home recording. Due to living at home still (and not having much money), don't have a big ol tube amp and cab as yet (just a small combo), but, correct me if I'm wrong, to get it rocking for direct recording to PC, I don't need a poweramp, just need to connect it to the interface, since impulses emulate both poweramp and cab? Or am I missing something really obvious here? Does the "grounding" issue apply here? I heard that AeternusEternus used a JMP for direct recording, but I hope I don't need a poweramp and cab!
Btw, please forgive me if I don't reply too soon, in the middle of cramming for an exam