Thinking about getting reaper


Feb 16, 2010
Memphis, Tn
So i've used adam's tutorial to slip edit drums using reaper (i downloaded the demo) and i like it a lot so far. Right now my primary daw is logic, but i'm wondering what (if any) advantages i might have using reaper over logic? Kind of pro's and con's really. I'm very comfortable with using logic, but i'm wonder if reaper could be a cheaper step towards pro tools (since i basically have to learn to use it if i plan on continuing recording bands). Even going as far as getting a pro tools theme and setting up all the key commands the same as pro tools.

While it is only $60, i'd still like to get some opinions before dropping the cash.

reaper is great and it's good to have. You can't really go wrong with it for $60. But, if you feel like you have to learn Pro Tools, then get Pro Tools. In my opinion reaper won't help you learn pro tools fully. They work differently, even if you set up a couple of the key commands the same.
Reaper is free to use as long as you want, it only gives you a 5 second nag screen every time you fire it up, so you loose nothing by at least trying it!
If you want pro-tools you´re probably better with something like those M-Box versions.
By the way, I´m not sure how many years Pro-Tools still is going to be the standard. It is living solely by its name for a long time, and from what I´ve read from the Avid employees, things are totally doomed.

ps: IMO Reaper easily destroys all the DAWs I´ve ever used, including Pro-Tools, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo and Live, so I recommend it anyway.
If you like Reaper and need a bit og Pro Tools,here's the best nd cheapest way to get bet of both worlds...
Buy Reaper and use the "Pro Tools Patch" Adam created and posted in his thread with really useful videos! Instant success!!!
If you want pro-tools you´re probably better with something like those M-Box versions.
By the way, I´m not sure how many years Pro-Tools still is going to be the standard. It is living solely by its name for a long time, and from what I´ve read from the Avid employees, things are totally doomed.

ps: IMO Reaper easily destroys all the DAWs I´ve ever used, including Pro-Tools, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo and Live, so I recommend it anyway.

Funny you bring this up. I am a reaper user, and I love it. However, I recently got pro tools but haven't had too much time to implement it yet, so I still use reaper 100%. Well, I was about to get a band lined up to track but they opted to go to the other guy who is asking 3x what I do for very similar quality recordings (my drums actually sound a ton better). Why? Because he uses Pro Tools and I use Reaper. The band was a friend of my girlfriend so she told me straight up what they said... I was a little irritated, but who cares? Joke is on them. :lol:
Until Logic can do slip editing, I'll always use Reaper for my drum editing.


that's definitely a given

Thanks for all the input guys, i think i'm gonna pull the trigger on reaper and just try to get familiar with it. Like you guys said, i know that if i wanna learn pro tools i need to get it, i just can't stand that i can't pick my interface. It's truly stupid. However i still like logic, so i'll probably just try to integrate both into my work flow.