How to mimic Elastic Audio in Reaper

time stretch edits on guitar DI's is total win. this is definitely the most appropriate time to use time stretching as once you re-amp, the timestretches become totally irrelevant. although i still think i'm gonna be stickin with PT for that, as sometimes the transients on a guitar DI can be a little difficult to eyeball and IME protools does a really good job of dropping a marker whenever the strings get struck...which is where i want them.
oh dude, adam, if you decide to re-make this video, you can replicate the Protools transient detection by right-clicking a region and going to item processing > dynamic split item at transients. totally awesome. can't believe i never thought of this. and then it might also be worth mentioning that by dragging with snap on, you can effectively quantize by hand without eyeballing. between that and "dynamic split item at transients" you've basically replicated elastic quantize 100%, with just a few more steps in between.

FUCK dude... the MAIN reason i switched to PT was for elastic audio and beat detective. i may just be full-time reaper again...and enjoy the freedom of using any interface i want o_o
Just use tab to transient (adjust the sensitivity if required). Auto dynamic split would actually just slow me down!
Eye ball it and you'll be fine.
Oh, I disable snap so I can split exactly where I want!
About Dynamic Split: Yeah I was aware of this and used to use it when trying to quantize drums in PT! I should've mentioned it in the video but I honestly prefer to just cut and fix the stuff that SOUNDS out to me, rather than fixing everything because stretching stuff always degrades the audio, so I'd rather leave as much in tact as possible.

You can actually use dynamic split to chop everything, select all those items and hit Quantize and there's a checkbox to stretch item ends to fit. This will automatically do Elastic Audio style quantize on every single item you've selected and stretch them all so there are no gaps.
Guys do you know a similar funtion as About Dynamic Split or Tab to transient in cubase? I know detect silence but it´s not the same.
Closest I can think of is to use strip silence, then set the cursor to snap to events. But there's no true transient detection of any name in Cubase. (that I'm aware of, watch someone go prove me wrong. :p)

When I said detect silence I wanted to say strip silence. Yeah, that´s the only I know too. But that gives to much work.:erk:
why would you want to emulate elastic audio? it sounds awful. even with guitar, unless its REALLY bad i just cut, move crossfade, hell i beat detective bass if it needs it. I May reach for the time stretch tool if something starts to sound glitchy, but other wise i think you'd be better off with this slip edit thing you kids are always on about....sure i used to do that in Sony Vegas.... Im sure the shortcut was the same... OH WAIT

why would you want to emulate elastic audio? it sounds awful. even with guitar, unless its REALLY bad i just cut, move crossfade, hell i beat detective bass if it needs it. I May reach for the time stretch tool if something starts to sound glitchy, but other wise i think you'd be better off with this slip edit thing you kids are always on about....sure i used to do that in Sony Vegas.... Im sure the shortcut was the same... OH WAIT


Vocal editing dude...
Vocal editing dude...

I do this in melodyne...
But to be fair. i did use EA the other day for the first time in about 4 years...
I had a guitar part for an old version of a song i was recording but the tempo has now changed... and time was short. definately a job for EA.