Pro Tools Warp makers – Where do they belong


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
When working with elastic audio, specifically quantizing audio, I’m confused as to what part of the waveform you should align to the grid. Pro Tools doesn’t help with my confusion by placing warp markers in varying locations.
The following two pictures show two separate DI guitar tracks playing the same part. As you can see the markers are in quite different locations. Quantizing using these markers might hypothetically, in the first picture, move the two tracks further away from each other



In the picture below Pro Tools seems to agree with it self as to where the markers should be on the two tracks however by eye it looks like the marker is too early on the bottom track


The next picture shows a marker that doesn’t seem to be anywhere near what I would consider the start of the note


The next pictures show several possible markers to quantize to the grid, but I’m not sure which one.



I guess what I’m really asking is:
- What part of the wave do you align to the grid?
- Where should the warp markers be?
- Do you move or create your own warp makers?

The next picture shows a marker that doesn’t seem to be anywhere near what I would consider the start of the note



this is actually where the pick struck the string

if thats a guitar track

the amplitude of the NOTE (not the pic) is the giant rise you see in the wave form

to me, it sounds right for the note beginning to be on beat, and for the pick to be early

thats how i edit.
good question man, i was wondering the same thing and its a lil confusing for sure!

what joey said is how i have been doing it. wherever it gets really big, thats where you should align it, yea theres pick noise a little early, but i mean, your wayyyyy zoomed in there, its like a split second, noone will notice with another guitar, bass, drums, and vocals tracks in there (unless your ears are amazing haha).

on the very first pic, the orangeish one, i would see if you can tab one more time and find another transient in there, because it looks a LIL early (prob pick noise as stated above) but just try and get a little closer maybe, i dont think it would hurt tho if it didnt find one.

ive never used elastic or anything but, this is just what i do when quantizing guitar DIs in general.

hope it helps!

Thanks for the replies :)

So, just to confirm, in the above pics you'd be aiming to align the right most marker to the grid?

I know that it is super zoomed in and that you'd probably never hear such a short difference in time, but I'm my looking to define a process that I can stick to when quantizing. Pro Tools seem to stick markers in the general area but it's almost impossible to conceptualise exactly what it is trying to do when every marker is in a different part of the waveform.
Thanks Joey. I haven't been using Pro Tools for long, the very little quantising I've done so far I'm pretty sure has aligned the pick attack to the grid. I'll try aiming for the meaty part and see how that goes. :rock: