thinking of buying a uad/powercore, which is better?


May 3, 2004
as far as what you get with a basic package/price/quality of plugins/processing power, which do you guys prefer?

how much load can these things handle anyway? would i see more of a cpu-load handling benefit from one of these or putting a faster processor in my computer?
What kind of plugins do you need?


You really need to shell out for Sony Oxford to get the most out of Powercore. Then you need another card so you can run enough of them to make it worthwhile. Slippery slope, but the quality of those plugs is really top notch.

I'd say the UAD Flexi Pak is probably the best for the money, especially since all of their plugs are on promo right now. I really love the Neve EQ, Precision Limiter, 1176, and Plate 140 in particular. Those are probably the hardest to replicate with native plugs.

As for upgrading your CPU, you get into that game of whether or not you also need a new Mobo to support a better CPU, then do you need new RAM, video card, etc. because your old ones won't work on the new Mobo. Tough call really.
powercore is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! with the UAD-1 you need to use a latency compensator on the channels to keep everything in line. unless they fixed that BUG!!!!! the T.C. and Uad plugins are pretty much the same as far as I have heard but the T.C. works better IMHO. the reverbs are flawless and the 1176 rip off is fucking amazing!!! also the EQ is really good to use on everything. all of the other plugins are very standard and usefull I get tons of work off of the porew core and when I have the UAD I was in living hell with latency, crashes, wordclock problems, and phasing issues from the UAD. can you tell I disliked the UAD-1 sorry to be so negative but it was a real pain in the ass, and I always wonder what other guys are doing to get thiers to work. maybe i am to impatient if somthing is a little jumpy for me out of the box.

Love Curran
i work with both
i find my self leaning towards the uad for eq and compression, and the tc for reverb
sorry I missed the last part about the computer upgrade. you really should get a whole new set up MoBo, CPU, Ram, and vid card. really not to bad since you can use your old case, Drives and audio card and other cards for sure. you can build a ripping machine for about 400-500 usd from Lower prices on computers, servers, computer parts and electronics than anywhere else!
just watch the shipping when you are getting your pieces ordered. and you could also look into the powercore rack that they are making now since it is huge in the processing dept.

Love Curran
yeah if you use Pro tools LE and the uad, you have to either use time adjuster or manually shift the tracks... and thats no fun
how many inserts would you say the powercore can handle? and whats the difference between the powercore element/pci/pci mk2
I only make realy bad experience with UAD. I had the studiopak and this plugins are nice but I never was realy able to use them because the card crashed my cubase...

Your UAD card needs a single IRO on your mainboard and the cards make realy problem with AMD.
i know what you mean...
my Old boss siwtched to mac coz of the problems his uads gave him with his amd/xp set up
FWIW, I've used a few different AMD and Intel boards with UAD and Powercore over the last few years and never had a problem. But, I know there are plenty of people that have had problems, as evidenced by this thread alone.

Be sure to check the UAD and PoCo forums for known working setups when buying a new mobo.

Also agree that PoCo is best for verbs and UAD is best for comps in general.
I think UAD verbs are better than Powercore verbs too... Be it Plate140 or DreamVerb...

I love Plate 140 but I could never get a sound out of Dreamverb that I was happy with. It was probably pilot error because there are so many fucking options.

I really like the PoCo Classic Verb. Nice & easy.

The room sounds in particular were really cool on drums when you want them to sound... roomy. Just set the wet/dry to 50% wet, adjust the pre-delay until it flams then throw it up to 100% wet. Take the decay down to double the pre-delay. Send in the kick, snare, and toms, blend to taste, and there you go.
you know i loved plate 140 on vox, but i could never get it sounding just right on drums.

you know what did?
d verb