Thinking of swapping out my monitors

Mar 16, 2010
Hi guys.

so i've been using a pair of genelec 1029a's for ages now. Altho i've found nothing wrong with them and i guess i'm used to them in a way i've been contemplating swapping them out for a pair of hs50's for a while.

My only grudge with the genelec's is they have an overpowering mid presens and i find myself boosting low and high end on my console to make up for the lack of it produced by the speakers.

Any thoughts on what i should do? Or any other suggestions for something around that price range.

I've seen the genelecs selling for between £290 and £350.
Well if there not accurate, get rid.. There not serving a purpose, although in the sub $1500.00 price range.. I've yet to hear anything I would truly call accurate, trying out the equator D5's hoping there a little better. But using Event Opals just in case..

So I guess it's just a personal matter, people get used to monitors and work around there flaws.. It generally doesn't stop them from releasing great material, hell the NS10's are awful but used widely.

I heard a lot mixed reviews about Genelec's and KRK, Adam seems to be a strong contender, lot's of love for focal but I personally don't like them. Yamaha's usually come across quite well and Dynaudio have a good reputation.

Pick your poison.
If I were missing bass I definitely wouldn't swap a 5" for another 5" to solve the problem. Certainly on paper the yammies don't look better (-10dB@50 vs -2.5dB@70 for the gennies).
I think you should probably look at your room first and a bigger box second. If your room is nulling out huge chunks under 100hz more bass will likely cause new problems.
cheers for the opinions guys.

Yeah i've read a fair few of peoples thoughts on them. Alot of people saying they're not worthy of the genelec name etc especially as genelec make some pretty damn decent full range systems. and that they're lacking in bottom end.

I honestly think if i added a sub it would be wayyy to much for my room. Maybe instead of selling them i should invest in a new second pair of speakers for reference prepossess. Altho i'm not sure i'm going to find anything in my price range that would make it worth the investment.