this artist known as Neige


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Both my Alcest and Amesoeurs turned up a couple of days ago.


Amesoeurs is very instant so I'm immediately sold on its genius. Those vocals (ending on ear pearcing shrieks) are unreal, I'm not sure what to make of them....but the music is just an obvious "slam dunk".

Alcest is gonna take a few more listens, but so far so good. I like the range of emotions and styles.

Can't believe these are only EPs.

I'm on a roll so do I need to get me some Peste Noire? Tell me where and I'll buy blind.
i ordered my Peste Noire just yesterday from Sepulchral Productions: Sepulchral Productions - Site Web Officiel | Official Website

it's $17 p/p, but good luck finding it cheaper.

definitely get Mortifera's stuff. I believe this is more of Noktu's (owner of Drakkar Records, also in Peste Noire) band as well as Celestia. Paragon Records will re-release Celestia's album soon.

also, Alcest's demo, Tristesse Hivernale, will be re-released this year as a split with Angmar
I actually highly recommend it because I bought Alcest from him, and it never came and he re-sent it. He is just a little odd on when he answers emails. Also he's pretty inexpensive.

Neige does indeed kick ass. I have the Alcest ep in the mail and I plan on ordering the new Peste Noir from the link given above. I have never heard Amesoeurs but if neige is involved I am sure it is good stuff. I have not been able to find any Mortifera yet unfortunately.

edit: well 2 new posts while i was typing, so I guess I know where to find Mortifera now. thanks. :kickass:
Alcest is gonna take a few more listens, but so far so good. I like the range of emotions and styles.

The guitars on the title track at the 8:10 mark onward for about 2 or 3 minutes instantly deems Le Secret the best new release I've heard in a very long time

there is hope yet
yeah just send an email to: to make sure it's in stock, or just pay for it outright. that is the paypal email as well

i just received an email from him not 20 minutes ago saying it was being mailed tomorrow morning. so he's probably still in front of his 'puter.
I actually highly recommend it because I bought Alcest from him, and it never came and he re-sent it. He is just a little odd on when he answers emails. Also he's pretty inexpensive.


He's selling it for $10US postage paid.

You ordered Alcest and it never showed (first time round) but now you'd vouch for him, and yet there's a thread at Metal Archives boycotting this distro.

Oh the dilemna... :loco:

<---Amesoeurs live...see the resemblance

so that's where he disappeared to.
yeah just send an email to: to make sure it's in stock, or just pay for it outright. that is the paypal email as well

i just received an email from him not 20 minutes ago saying it was being mailed tomorrow morning. so he's probably still in front of his 'puter.

e-mail sent.

I might give this GoatWax place a shot as well and test it out. Their selection is pretty extraordinary for $10 a piece, including shipping from Oz no less.
Yeah, I can't wait to hear a full length album from either of his main projects. I absolutely love his BM vocals, really top notch stuff.