Alright heres the 10...yes the writing is disjointed and theres a ton of spelling errors. I did have paragraphs but when i copied they disappeared! My first real attempt at a "review" so blah (only top 3 are in an order). 2006 rocked
Tenhi - Maaäet
What an amazing album this is. Even though it came out so early in 2006, i knew it was album of the year kind of stuff. Tenhi are so in tune with their vision here it's breathtaking. This captures the essence of nature in its purest form. The album title roughly translated in Finnish means 'earth mother, my mother'. Looking at the the cycles of the earth, the soil,trees, the seasons, life and death. All of these things in nature are constantly in motion and constantly keep the balance.
The album itself is dark, brooding, sad, uplifting all at the same time. It's quite a deviation from their last album 'vare' which was not as dark of a record. It's an appreciation of these themes mentioned above that are the driving force in this band. With the help of piano, violin, guitar and drums, they're able to channel these ideas through their progressive folk music.
Tenhi has really stepped up their vocal work on this album.This can especially be seen in the track 'Sarastuskavija.'(frail) The track begins with a sparse piano crescendo, but soon chant like vocals come in and engulf the listener in such an ambience, it seems the forest itself is singing. It really shines when listening with headphones. The music on this album seem to be harnessing the very power of the soil.The whole album just oozes atmosphere (On a sidenote if i could give this album a color it would be dark green).
Another mention must be made to the violins throughout the album. They accompany the music so well, whether they're sad or uplifting the violin parts are stunning. Most notably on the track 'Vahaminen violetissa' (lithe in lilac). The melody is so melancholic, i get teary just thinking about it. The albums final track 'rannalta haettu' (from the shore) is an upbeat number that is a perfect closer. I can envision myself running through the tree's while the wind blows in my face. Through these tree's you can see the outline of the shoreline and the sun reflecting off the water. The track is extremly uplifting and you can't help but smile when you hear it. It is a celebration of the beauty that is around us...the perfect ending to album of this nature.
Tenhi have created a masterpiece in Maaäet. They have provided the perfect soundtrack for being innature. I didnt think they would ever really top their debut album "kauan" but with Maaäet i think they have done just that.It's albums like these that i know will stay with me for a long long time. So sit back, put your headphones on, and let Maaäet overcome you.
wolves in the throne room - diadem of 12 stars
Wolves in the throne room hail from Washington and they play black metal. This album is the very essence the dark side to our natural world. The falling rain, the bleakness of winter, the silence of the forest as dusk approaches. It is the awe that comes to you when you look upon that waterfall, or how small you feel when you gaze upon that mountain. It also continues the black metal traditions of rejecting modernity. Like great bm albums of the past it is a rejection of the materialistic, it is disguisted by what we've become. Humanity has lost touch with nature and we live in our own decaying society. WITTR has no political agenda which seems to be trendy among black metal these days. They're simply looking to a simpler life, one in which the individual is one with the earth and the earth as a healing force. Their music has that hope, longing for a time that will be better, but you must strive for it. (the wolves are free!). They realize though that this will never happen on a wide scale and thats where the melcholic, nostalgia comes through in the music.
If i can compare the atmosphere to any album it might be to Ulver's Bergtatt. The album envokes in me the same feelings of sadness but hope always shinning through. Like that album, in many parts of songs the vocals are layered with both harrowing shreiks and chant like clean vocals. On a whole though Diadem is a much more abrasive album then Bergtatt (some parts remind me of nattans actually). In many parts it is that blizzard i mentioned above. Blast beats, shrieks of fury, trance like guitars create and ambience of a storm. The songs are all long with everyone clocking over 10 minutes, and the title track lasting 20 minutes. Each song is able to develop over its running time. Occasionally an acoustic interlude will take place, or a thrashing riff will come in for alittle bit (title track). Female vocals make an appearance to great effect in the second and last track. They are very dream like and have a timless quality to them that works extremly well in the context of the songs. I have to mention the harsh vocals here, because they're used alot more than normal black metal albums. They're layered throughout and create a trance like effect all by themselves. They can be looked at as the primal roar of nature, or a crying out in disgist at what we humans have done to the earth. Either way, they're powerful and very necessary to the music.
If i can single out one track it would be the title track. It embodies what WITTR are trying to accomplish and the track just flys right by. It begins with a guitar riff that will make its appearance throught the song. The guitars crash in and out of this track, but always coming back to its central riff (or theme). Towards the latter half of the track, a doom dirge comes in. It is done extremly well, and seems to have the listener peeking over at the edge of a cliff. It is hard to describe the majesty of this track, but needless to say it is epic. In the last 5 minutes, the riff from the beginging makes one last appearance. The riff is filled with hope and nostalgia and that is how the album ends.
Wolves in the throne room have crafted an extremly engaging album here. It goes well with the other great bm albums from this year. Like most of them it is very inspired by nature, and our place in the world. It looks at the natural world and channels its harshest elements into a black metal context. The next time i know there will be a blizzard or a thunderstorm i know exactly what album i'll be brining out.
Asunder - Works will come Undone
I was a huge fan of Asunder's last full length "A Clarion Call" and needless to say i had extremly high expectations for this album. Fear not kids, Asunder comes roaring back with Works will come undone. The album is made up of only two tracks, although they're very long (the album clocks in at roughly 70 minutes). Asunder makes use of the cello courtesy of Jackie Gratz from Amber Asylum. The cello weaves in and out of each song. This is especially evident in the second track "Rite Of Finality" in which the dynamics of the song allow the instrument to really shine. The military snare type drums of the first track are extremly effective towards the end of the song. Of note is the 20+ minutes of droning ambience that goes on in the second track. Although normally i'm not a fan of this, it works here. The concept of the song is about death, and as it pretains to a cycle. Perhaps this section of the song represents someones last thoughts before they die. Or perhaps the section represents someones long life and in the end, as in the track, you just silently fade out.
I had been listening to this album for several weeks just before going to bed. During this time i had also started reading a book called "A short history of nearly everything" by Bill Bryson. Not to sidetrack too much, but the book basically explains how the universe, the earth, humans came about. It does so in a humorous way and in order to allow the reader to understand these insane concepts, Bryson makes alot of comparisons. The age and enormity of the universe really make you fell like a spec of dust when it all comes down to it. In the grand scheme of time we are nothing, we're just part of a cycle that has been around for millions and millions of years. We're born, we live our meaningless lives and then we die. Eventually we will be lucky enough to become cosmic dust floating through space. Bleak? yes. Honest? sure.
It is these feeling that Asunder thrives on. The crushing riffs, the howling vocals, the harmonies, the drumming. The music captures a majestic aura that many a doom band attempt but few actually succeed with. It is an absolutely massive sound that is achieved here (the great production only helps). To be sure this is extremly dark stuff but rays of hope do occasionally shine through. This can be seen with the start of the second song " Rite of Finality" The beginging seems to be envoking all the good times in ones life. It is the precursor to the nightmare that is the rest of the song. Lyrically both tracks deal with such concepts such as life and death. Music as expansive as this, must ask questions such as these. The first song "A Famine" deals with the concept of trying to understand the universe and ones role in it. Eternal questions such as the whys of existence and the nature of life itself. The second track deals with death as the end to it all. Like the title of the album death renders all our achievments meaningless in the long run. For the vast majority of us, it will only take a generation or two to become just a distant memory. That is our ode to this earth however, and that should be it. Death is just the small part of a grand cyle, it should not be feared. That is the sunlight that shines through the dark clouds of these songs. When you die life will go on after you and that is the nature of it all. I must quote some of these lyrics because they are quite moving:
"To falling leaves in autumn's shades the promise of
youth that fades under the winter's waning sun
the wind and snow of a life now done
like the tides retreating from tranquil shores
cold lips that draw breath no more
to the shifting sands of time lost
measured by star and frost"
Asunder have created an amazing album in Works will come undone. In my mind this will one day be looked upon as a classic in the genre and with good reason. It is an dark, brooding, majestic listen that will stay with you long after its over. Most of all though it's honest, and in music that is essential.
Peste Noire - La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénerescence
This album was by far the surprise of the year for me. I'm very into the french bm and i believe they're making the best black metal at the moment. I had heard one of their demos before but didnt think that much of it. "La Sanie Des Siecles" is just fantastic stuff. After a short intro the first song "Le Mort Joyeux" assaults the listner with blazing guitars, and insane vocals. The rest of the album never lets up from here, literally every song stands on its own. One thing i love about french bm is how unique the riffs are, this album is no different. From the slow dirge of "laus tibi domine" to the awesome intro to "spleen" everything works so perfectly. They're thrashing, violent, sorrowful and nostalgic; see the track Deuil Angoisseux which i will comment on later. Another plus for me is the use of acoustic guitars on this album, especially on the track "Phalènes Et Pestilence" (an amazing song to be sure). They're played with such skill as to not be just a add on like most bands use them. Another positive (everything is positive on this damn album) is the solos. Normally solos dont play that big of a role in bm, but Peste Noire uses them to great effect. They're not there just to be there, they really enhance the songs. Look no further then "Spleen" or "Phalènes Et Pestilence."
I must also again mention the vocals on this album. They envoke so much emotion it's scary. The vocalist sounds like hes destroying his vocal chords on these tracks. It makes the album that much better. Theres even a high falsetto part in "retour de flame" thats just too awesome. Speaking of vocals, let me get to my favorite track on the album "Deuil Angoisseux." This also might be my favorite track of 2006. Lyrically the track is about Christine De Pisan, who was a female writer in europe during the 15th century. She can be considered an early feminist and had to fight against the male dominated soceity of the time period. The track itself begins with a riff that is just godly (why cant i come up with this stuff?) and in comes Neiges vocals. Needless to say, very few can pour the emotion in their vocals like he does (and yes i'm a neige fanboy). Many a time i've hurt my vocals screaming along to this song in the car. The acoustic solo that plays over the main riff is just perfect. I cant say enough good things about this track.
In closing this album by Peste Noire has everything i can ever hope for in a black metal album. It is ugly, evil, dark, melancholic. Yet another winner for the french scene!
(at this point everything will get shorter!)
Agalloch - Ashes against the grain
Ok Agalloch are back with their first full length since "the mantle." I like this release very much, and agalloch are able to change things just enough to keep things fresh. They include some post rock elements here, mostly on the first track "limbs." They also use some high pitched shrieks on "not unlike the waves" which also work well. The album closer, the three part "our fortress is burning" has some postives and negatives. For positves i will point you to the second part 'blood birds' the whole song is acending until it gets to an epic climax. An amazing song that is defintely one of their best songs. On the downside the last track on the album is 7 minutes of noise. Now i have a fairly open mind when it comes to other genres but this track really adds nothing to the album. Theres veryyy little variation in it, and it ends the album on a bit of a sour note. My favorite tracks on the album would have to be "falling snow" and "fire above, ice below." The former has an amazing last 5 minutes that is pure musical bliss. This is why i listen to music right here, so good. The latter being an epic track that reminds me of something off the mantle maybe (clean vocals really soar here). Overall this is another amazing album from one of the best bands in the world.
Drudkh - Blood in our wells
These ukrainians are back again with another majestic album. The use of folk medlodies and droning riffs are used so well here. Blood in our wells really transports you to another world, one of clouds,rain, hunger and hardship. These riffs also contain some hope in them however, for some people must survive. One can only look at the cover of this cd to see what mood they're trying to create. Solos also make an appearance here that only enchances these epic songs. One track of note is "eternity." Towards the latter half of this a song the riffs crash up and down in absolute transcendent fasion, a truly great moment on the cd. In my mind Drudkh are heads and shoulders above 95% bm bands and this album is just a testament to that.
Summoning - Oath bound
Once again Summoning transport us to Middle Earth. We've been this way before but with music this good why ever return? Yet again summoning use epic melodies, varied percussion and sorrowful vocals to achieve their sound. One song of note is the third track entitled "Mirdautas Vras", the atmosphere in this song literally transports you to scenes from the book. I have to admit when listening to it on headphones, it is alittle scary. Another track of note is the last one "Land of the Dead" for it's use of clean vocals and amazing chorus. When listening to a Summoning album you know what you expect, and they have yet to disappoint.
Negura Bunget - OM
Negura Bunget are showing real progress here. Black metal has never sounded so fresh unique. I'm really mad that my dvd version of OM doesnt seem to work in my house. I have yet to wrap my head completely around this release, but that will only make the album better in the long run. Anyway support great bands and go out and buy this!
Amesoeurs - Ruines humaines
Even though this is an EP it is still an amazing release. Everything Neige touches is a mandatory purchase for me at this time. From the very first time the vocals come in you hear the pain! The concept behind this album is a reaction against the industrial. The cities, the sprawl, the superficiality. This music is the echo of these themes. Neiges vocals is humanity crying out against what we've become. We try to forget the bleakness of our existence. We try to forget by indulging in excess and trivial pursuits. We work at the same job for 30 years and look at back at our life wondering what it was all for. Everyone strives to get richer just to buy more stuff. Amesoeurs are only conveying what each of us deep down already know. Fuckin essential.
Katatonia - The great cold distance
While this album is not that much of a deviation from their last offering it still just made my top 10. Tracks like "soil song", "in the white" and "july" are all great tracks that saw heavy rotation in my cdplayer. They blend heavy riffing that the band has been doing as of late, with Jonas's melodic vocals that continue to improve on each release. Sutble electronics make a welcome appearance on the track "The itch." The last song on the album, journey through pressure is an extremly melancholic number that IMO is one of katatonia's best songs in years (quite doomy in fact!). I finally got to see this band live this year, and that only increased my fondness for this album.

Tenhi - Maaäet
What an amazing album this is. Even though it came out so early in 2006, i knew it was album of the year kind of stuff. Tenhi are so in tune with their vision here it's breathtaking. This captures the essence of nature in its purest form. The album title roughly translated in Finnish means 'earth mother, my mother'. Looking at the the cycles of the earth, the soil,trees, the seasons, life and death. All of these things in nature are constantly in motion and constantly keep the balance.
The album itself is dark, brooding, sad, uplifting all at the same time. It's quite a deviation from their last album 'vare' which was not as dark of a record. It's an appreciation of these themes mentioned above that are the driving force in this band. With the help of piano, violin, guitar and drums, they're able to channel these ideas through their progressive folk music.
Tenhi has really stepped up their vocal work on this album.This can especially be seen in the track 'Sarastuskavija.'(frail) The track begins with a sparse piano crescendo, but soon chant like vocals come in and engulf the listener in such an ambience, it seems the forest itself is singing. It really shines when listening with headphones. The music on this album seem to be harnessing the very power of the soil.The whole album just oozes atmosphere (On a sidenote if i could give this album a color it would be dark green).
Another mention must be made to the violins throughout the album. They accompany the music so well, whether they're sad or uplifting the violin parts are stunning. Most notably on the track 'Vahaminen violetissa' (lithe in lilac). The melody is so melancholic, i get teary just thinking about it. The albums final track 'rannalta haettu' (from the shore) is an upbeat number that is a perfect closer. I can envision myself running through the tree's while the wind blows in my face. Through these tree's you can see the outline of the shoreline and the sun reflecting off the water. The track is extremly uplifting and you can't help but smile when you hear it. It is a celebration of the beauty that is around us...the perfect ending to album of this nature.
Tenhi have created a masterpiece in Maaäet. They have provided the perfect soundtrack for being innature. I didnt think they would ever really top their debut album "kauan" but with Maaäet i think they have done just that.It's albums like these that i know will stay with me for a long long time. So sit back, put your headphones on, and let Maaäet overcome you.
wolves in the throne room - diadem of 12 stars
Wolves in the throne room hail from Washington and they play black metal. This album is the very essence the dark side to our natural world. The falling rain, the bleakness of winter, the silence of the forest as dusk approaches. It is the awe that comes to you when you look upon that waterfall, or how small you feel when you gaze upon that mountain. It also continues the black metal traditions of rejecting modernity. Like great bm albums of the past it is a rejection of the materialistic, it is disguisted by what we've become. Humanity has lost touch with nature and we live in our own decaying society. WITTR has no political agenda which seems to be trendy among black metal these days. They're simply looking to a simpler life, one in which the individual is one with the earth and the earth as a healing force. Their music has that hope, longing for a time that will be better, but you must strive for it. (the wolves are free!). They realize though that this will never happen on a wide scale and thats where the melcholic, nostalgia comes through in the music.
If i can compare the atmosphere to any album it might be to Ulver's Bergtatt. The album envokes in me the same feelings of sadness but hope always shinning through. Like that album, in many parts of songs the vocals are layered with both harrowing shreiks and chant like clean vocals. On a whole though Diadem is a much more abrasive album then Bergtatt (some parts remind me of nattans actually). In many parts it is that blizzard i mentioned above. Blast beats, shrieks of fury, trance like guitars create and ambience of a storm. The songs are all long with everyone clocking over 10 minutes, and the title track lasting 20 minutes. Each song is able to develop over its running time. Occasionally an acoustic interlude will take place, or a thrashing riff will come in for alittle bit (title track). Female vocals make an appearance to great effect in the second and last track. They are very dream like and have a timless quality to them that works extremly well in the context of the songs. I have to mention the harsh vocals here, because they're used alot more than normal black metal albums. They're layered throughout and create a trance like effect all by themselves. They can be looked at as the primal roar of nature, or a crying out in disgist at what we humans have done to the earth. Either way, they're powerful and very necessary to the music.
If i can single out one track it would be the title track. It embodies what WITTR are trying to accomplish and the track just flys right by. It begins with a guitar riff that will make its appearance throught the song. The guitars crash in and out of this track, but always coming back to its central riff (or theme). Towards the latter half of the track, a doom dirge comes in. It is done extremly well, and seems to have the listener peeking over at the edge of a cliff. It is hard to describe the majesty of this track, but needless to say it is epic. In the last 5 minutes, the riff from the beginging makes one last appearance. The riff is filled with hope and nostalgia and that is how the album ends.
Wolves in the throne room have crafted an extremly engaging album here. It goes well with the other great bm albums from this year. Like most of them it is very inspired by nature, and our place in the world. It looks at the natural world and channels its harshest elements into a black metal context. The next time i know there will be a blizzard or a thunderstorm i know exactly what album i'll be brining out.
Asunder - Works will come Undone
I was a huge fan of Asunder's last full length "A Clarion Call" and needless to say i had extremly high expectations for this album. Fear not kids, Asunder comes roaring back with Works will come undone. The album is made up of only two tracks, although they're very long (the album clocks in at roughly 70 minutes). Asunder makes use of the cello courtesy of Jackie Gratz from Amber Asylum. The cello weaves in and out of each song. This is especially evident in the second track "Rite Of Finality" in which the dynamics of the song allow the instrument to really shine. The military snare type drums of the first track are extremly effective towards the end of the song. Of note is the 20+ minutes of droning ambience that goes on in the second track. Although normally i'm not a fan of this, it works here. The concept of the song is about death, and as it pretains to a cycle. Perhaps this section of the song represents someones last thoughts before they die. Or perhaps the section represents someones long life and in the end, as in the track, you just silently fade out.
I had been listening to this album for several weeks just before going to bed. During this time i had also started reading a book called "A short history of nearly everything" by Bill Bryson. Not to sidetrack too much, but the book basically explains how the universe, the earth, humans came about. It does so in a humorous way and in order to allow the reader to understand these insane concepts, Bryson makes alot of comparisons. The age and enormity of the universe really make you fell like a spec of dust when it all comes down to it. In the grand scheme of time we are nothing, we're just part of a cycle that has been around for millions and millions of years. We're born, we live our meaningless lives and then we die. Eventually we will be lucky enough to become cosmic dust floating through space. Bleak? yes. Honest? sure.
It is these feeling that Asunder thrives on. The crushing riffs, the howling vocals, the harmonies, the drumming. The music captures a majestic aura that many a doom band attempt but few actually succeed with. It is an absolutely massive sound that is achieved here (the great production only helps). To be sure this is extremly dark stuff but rays of hope do occasionally shine through. This can be seen with the start of the second song " Rite of Finality" The beginging seems to be envoking all the good times in ones life. It is the precursor to the nightmare that is the rest of the song. Lyrically both tracks deal with such concepts such as life and death. Music as expansive as this, must ask questions such as these. The first song "A Famine" deals with the concept of trying to understand the universe and ones role in it. Eternal questions such as the whys of existence and the nature of life itself. The second track deals with death as the end to it all. Like the title of the album death renders all our achievments meaningless in the long run. For the vast majority of us, it will only take a generation or two to become just a distant memory. That is our ode to this earth however, and that should be it. Death is just the small part of a grand cyle, it should not be feared. That is the sunlight that shines through the dark clouds of these songs. When you die life will go on after you and that is the nature of it all. I must quote some of these lyrics because they are quite moving:
"To falling leaves in autumn's shades the promise of
youth that fades under the winter's waning sun
the wind and snow of a life now done
like the tides retreating from tranquil shores
cold lips that draw breath no more
to the shifting sands of time lost
measured by star and frost"
Asunder have created an amazing album in Works will come undone. In my mind this will one day be looked upon as a classic in the genre and with good reason. It is an dark, brooding, majestic listen that will stay with you long after its over. Most of all though it's honest, and in music that is essential.
Peste Noire - La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénerescence
This album was by far the surprise of the year for me. I'm very into the french bm and i believe they're making the best black metal at the moment. I had heard one of their demos before but didnt think that much of it. "La Sanie Des Siecles" is just fantastic stuff. After a short intro the first song "Le Mort Joyeux" assaults the listner with blazing guitars, and insane vocals. The rest of the album never lets up from here, literally every song stands on its own. One thing i love about french bm is how unique the riffs are, this album is no different. From the slow dirge of "laus tibi domine" to the awesome intro to "spleen" everything works so perfectly. They're thrashing, violent, sorrowful and nostalgic; see the track Deuil Angoisseux which i will comment on later. Another plus for me is the use of acoustic guitars on this album, especially on the track "Phalènes Et Pestilence" (an amazing song to be sure). They're played with such skill as to not be just a add on like most bands use them. Another positive (everything is positive on this damn album) is the solos. Normally solos dont play that big of a role in bm, but Peste Noire uses them to great effect. They're not there just to be there, they really enhance the songs. Look no further then "Spleen" or "Phalènes Et Pestilence."
I must also again mention the vocals on this album. They envoke so much emotion it's scary. The vocalist sounds like hes destroying his vocal chords on these tracks. It makes the album that much better. Theres even a high falsetto part in "retour de flame" thats just too awesome. Speaking of vocals, let me get to my favorite track on the album "Deuil Angoisseux." This also might be my favorite track of 2006. Lyrically the track is about Christine De Pisan, who was a female writer in europe during the 15th century. She can be considered an early feminist and had to fight against the male dominated soceity of the time period. The track itself begins with a riff that is just godly (why cant i come up with this stuff?) and in comes Neiges vocals. Needless to say, very few can pour the emotion in their vocals like he does (and yes i'm a neige fanboy). Many a time i've hurt my vocals screaming along to this song in the car. The acoustic solo that plays over the main riff is just perfect. I cant say enough good things about this track.
In closing this album by Peste Noire has everything i can ever hope for in a black metal album. It is ugly, evil, dark, melancholic. Yet another winner for the french scene!
(at this point everything will get shorter!)
Agalloch - Ashes against the grain
Ok Agalloch are back with their first full length since "the mantle." I like this release very much, and agalloch are able to change things just enough to keep things fresh. They include some post rock elements here, mostly on the first track "limbs." They also use some high pitched shrieks on "not unlike the waves" which also work well. The album closer, the three part "our fortress is burning" has some postives and negatives. For positves i will point you to the second part 'blood birds' the whole song is acending until it gets to an epic climax. An amazing song that is defintely one of their best songs. On the downside the last track on the album is 7 minutes of noise. Now i have a fairly open mind when it comes to other genres but this track really adds nothing to the album. Theres veryyy little variation in it, and it ends the album on a bit of a sour note. My favorite tracks on the album would have to be "falling snow" and "fire above, ice below." The former has an amazing last 5 minutes that is pure musical bliss. This is why i listen to music right here, so good. The latter being an epic track that reminds me of something off the mantle maybe (clean vocals really soar here). Overall this is another amazing album from one of the best bands in the world.
Drudkh - Blood in our wells
These ukrainians are back again with another majestic album. The use of folk medlodies and droning riffs are used so well here. Blood in our wells really transports you to another world, one of clouds,rain, hunger and hardship. These riffs also contain some hope in them however, for some people must survive. One can only look at the cover of this cd to see what mood they're trying to create. Solos also make an appearance here that only enchances these epic songs. One track of note is "eternity." Towards the latter half of this a song the riffs crash up and down in absolute transcendent fasion, a truly great moment on the cd. In my mind Drudkh are heads and shoulders above 95% bm bands and this album is just a testament to that.
Summoning - Oath bound
Once again Summoning transport us to Middle Earth. We've been this way before but with music this good why ever return? Yet again summoning use epic melodies, varied percussion and sorrowful vocals to achieve their sound. One song of note is the third track entitled "Mirdautas Vras", the atmosphere in this song literally transports you to scenes from the book. I have to admit when listening to it on headphones, it is alittle scary. Another track of note is the last one "Land of the Dead" for it's use of clean vocals and amazing chorus. When listening to a Summoning album you know what you expect, and they have yet to disappoint.
Negura Bunget - OM
Negura Bunget are showing real progress here. Black metal has never sounded so fresh unique. I'm really mad that my dvd version of OM doesnt seem to work in my house. I have yet to wrap my head completely around this release, but that will only make the album better in the long run. Anyway support great bands and go out and buy this!
Amesoeurs - Ruines humaines
Even though this is an EP it is still an amazing release. Everything Neige touches is a mandatory purchase for me at this time. From the very first time the vocals come in you hear the pain! The concept behind this album is a reaction against the industrial. The cities, the sprawl, the superficiality. This music is the echo of these themes. Neiges vocals is humanity crying out against what we've become. We try to forget the bleakness of our existence. We try to forget by indulging in excess and trivial pursuits. We work at the same job for 30 years and look at back at our life wondering what it was all for. Everyone strives to get richer just to buy more stuff. Amesoeurs are only conveying what each of us deep down already know. Fuckin essential.
Katatonia - The great cold distance
While this album is not that much of a deviation from their last offering it still just made my top 10. Tracks like "soil song", "in the white" and "july" are all great tracks that saw heavy rotation in my cdplayer. They blend heavy riffing that the band has been doing as of late, with Jonas's melodic vocals that continue to improve on each release. Sutble electronics make a welcome appearance on the track "The itch." The last song on the album, journey through pressure is an extremly melancholic number that IMO is one of katatonia's best songs in years (quite doomy in fact!). I finally got to see this band live this year, and that only increased my fondness for this album.