In-car Music Recomendations!

hey tully do you listen to IN SOLITUDE

cause you should

NP This! And thank you for the reco!

Sorta wild because I just finished listening to the Puppet Master and this fellows vocal phrasing reminds me of the KING, and that is very good thing! Though you can tell it is no rip-off or retro-thing! This is great man. Thank you.


Have you ever listened to Atomizer - Caustic Music For The Spiritually Bankrupt

I really think you may like it, but, if not, oh well! You certainly should give it a listen though.

It is funny, the parts of the album that are turning me off a bit are the ones that I think you would enjoy a lot. That sounds like an insult or something but it definitely is not, I just know we have many of the same tastes, yet very different tastes for a lot of things, thus this reco!

EDIT: I have no idea what to think of this album yet actually, hah.