car audio


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
anyone know or have any insight on car audio.

i am about to get an '08 honda s2000 and in the future wanna upgrade the sound system.

coming from a 2006 infiniti with their top bose system i would like something to sound even halfway as good.

the reason i'm hoping to ask here is because most online places for car audio are usually people who trick out civics and integras and all types of racing cars and they usually put so many crazy things in the trunk and are suited for real bass heavy hip hop and house and dance music.

i just want something that i can listen to metal as well as rock and just have it sound good. from what i understand i need to get the following

- a good reciever with a preamp
- a power amp
- better speakers
- a sub

i could be wrong i've just started researching this whole area so i would appreciate input from some people who don't just want a system where people in different zip codes can hear the bass.
An '08 S2000 replacing a 2006 Infiniti!?! :OMG: Forgive my bluntness dude, but I've been following your gear posts with a fair amount of twisted jealous awe; I mean, you've got a Road King, a Mark IV, enough recording gear to mic a whole band (and make 'em sound good, to your credit), but now this - aren't you in your early 20s? There's no roundabout way to say this, so I'll just be straight up: where the hell do you get this money!?!? You live on LI, and I know there are some seriously rich folk out there, so if your parents support you and pay for a lot of it, that's totally cool, because you obviously put all your gear to good use - but I can't believe someone close to my age group could have a job that actually allows them to get all this stuff without being in debt until there 143.

And on topic, check out, that's where I always went when I was designing my dream system. And for a guy that has all this gear, why are you choosing a tiny little roadster? My vote would be for a Subaru WRX Sti, now that it's only a hatchback (which I think looks way cooler, it's the European sympathizer in me), cuz it hauls ass and has plenty of space.
yeah i've checked out crutchfield but i mean i was just wondering any recommend sytems because there is this stereotype i have based on the few people i've spoken to (and observing cars on the road) that a lot of those systems are just overly geared towards the "fast and the furious" crowd where it's just like really loud electronic music and hip hop and such. i've heard some of those through the years and they are just very very "subwoofer" oriented and loud and very brittle on the high end and just no clarity or warmth to them. like i said i'm not going to compare it to the bose system or those high end systems in luxury cars but something to mimic that would work for me. i'm not into loud as much as i am clarity and "faithful reproduction"

i figured on here since we all share similar values with audio i could get some help but i appreciate the headsup about crutchfield i just discovered it after googline everything under the sun car audio wise last night.

about the car: well i don't know i just always liked the s2000 when it came out. i was in high school and getting a car was like a distant dream back then. i can't explain the why part, i just like it. it's like with a chick you know sometimes it just clicks in your head and heart that you like someone. that's how i feel with this car. i'm not really into the whole like wrx/evo that whole racing circuit stuff. the s2000 gets bunched into that group but i enjoy the whole 2 seat convertible thing. i'm like 6 foot tall so it's not exactly like a lincoln town car as far as comfort for me but it's the last year they make it and i just know i will kick myself in the ass for not getting it. if you have any doubts just get the behing the wheel for 20 minutes on open road and let it rip and the smile on your face will sell itself!

as far as the money yeah i'm 24 but i live in queens, not in long island, which is i mean pretty close anyway. also it's not because of my parents it's just a product of good ole hard work. every dime the last 4 years so or so i've spent has been my own. i guess you can say i got lucky but i worked in a specialized finance sales company for like construction loans business loans all types of whacky stuff and i did pretty well. took some of the money i made and invested it into a small recording the studio and it's doing pretty good sustaining itself so far. it's not like i have a few yachts and lear jet lol. sorry if i gloated or anything didn't even realize it came off that way.
In my old car I had a pair of Blaupunkts in the rear. I really liked them. They had a good amount of bass, but were not overly bassy at all.
Not trying to go too off topic here...Marcus, if his story depresses you, my friend is a top salesman at the largest Toyota dealer in TX. He is my age, 22, and has been making about $60k a year average in the past two years he has worked there. However, this year he is on track to make over $120k. He just bought a house and got married.

The cool thing is, though, that he is interested in starting up a studio himself and have me run it. He's into recording but lately he has realized that he doesn't love it, he still wants it to be a part of his life so owning a local studio is his goal in the next couple of years :)

hey man i didn't mean to depress people haha. hopefully it motivates everyone. i wasn't born in this country and came here in 1990 and the first 10 years were great but very moderate economically to say the least as it was just me and my mom so there were no handouts here. even now i have a very limited family here so i don't exactly fit in as a trust fund baby lol
No depression at all dude, don't worry - I'm certainly jealous, but I've also got a good job that will allow me to acquire my more modest desires this summer, so I'm content, and I admire you for what you've accomplished! I definitely love the S2000 too, believe me - never driven one, but any stock car that has an 8800 RPM redline is a guaranteed aphrodisiac to be sure. :heh:

And Mike, sounds like your friend is another example of people who are fortunate enough to have an opportunity to make lots of money but also smart enough to know how best to use it! Have fun living your gear dreams vicariously by dictating all the stuff he should buy :D
hardwork and patience pays off. but i'm a hardware junkie, so work is just a space in between equipment fixes.

i keep wanting to upgrade my truck sound system, but then there is always a new guitar, new amp, new cab and i always end up passing on the car system, don't much care for them, id rather just go back to heaven in the control for my audio pleasure. :p
yeah man tell me about it. i drove the first generation s2000 it redlined @ 9200rpm when my friend got it like 7 years ago and that's when i was turned onto it.

soooo any other opinions on the audio??? what is considered the "genelec" or other high end high fidelity audiophile system/speakers for cars to listen to very clean music like the police, the eagles etc. stuff like that

i know that dynaudio makes car speakers whats up with that?