Arcane Sun (my review)


Rusted Angel
Jul 18, 2002
''This is one of those albums that are hard to review. Why do I say this? because there aren't enough words to describe how incredible this release is. This is the only album Arcane Sun released (the second album is currently unreleased) and it's a shame that such a good band disbanded so early. How can I describe the music? well, doom metal with classical influences. This label doesn't even come close in describing the magnificence of this album, though. Each melody, phrase, riff, fill is perfectly calculated to satisfy the listener's need. Feargal's guitar work is top notch, playing tasteful riffs that move me in a very special way (sorry if this sounds so damn corny), just listen to Longing For Eden's Rain and you'll see what I mean. There's also a song that is solely constituded of piano work (with some vocals thrown in as well), which is not your typical piano/keyboard wank fest that many prog/power metal bands use. Back to the guitars, there is very little lead guitar work on this album. This release is solely pushed by the strong musicianship and songwritting of the band. As far as vocals are concerned, the album has some harsh vocals mixed with clean vocals, but there aren't enough harsh vocals to scare away the traditional metal fan. Something I should note about the vocals is that every time the clean vocals start they seem to be a little too low on the mix (the band seems to be playing right in front of you while the vocalist seems to be out on the distance). Anyway, i'm just nitpicking, this is not something that should bug the listener a lot.
Even if you're not a fan of doom metal check this album out. If you're lucky enough to find a copy of it don't think twice about it and buy it, you'll definitively love it.

Overall: 10/10''

This is the review i'm going to post tonight on HMAS. Please, give me some feedback.

(btw, this is not finished yet)
npearce said:
That's a tough album to review. It keeps getting better for me. I don't even know if calling it doom is a good idea. It's almost too limiting.
Yeah, that's why I said that the label doesn't describe the music well :grin:
I'm still waiting on my copy to be delivered, but I always knew it wouldn't arrive until the new year anyway...nice review though, confirming that this album/band has become a "hidden gem".
JayKeeley said:
I'm still waiting on my copy to be delivered, but I always knew it wouldn't arrive until the new year anyway...nice review though, confirming that this album/band has become a "hidden gem".
Where did you get yours?
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Where did you get yours?
RC is now working with Adipocere Records (, and I stumbled across their on-line store. It's very decent (lots of rare stuff) - except it's in France so you have to wait 2-3 weeks. Shipping aint bad either.

EDIT: Sorry, you have to wait 2-3 weeks assuming you live in the USA.
OK you see the "Shop" link up top? After that, you'll see a button for "CD", which produces an A-Z index. Obviously under "A" you'll find Arcane Sun with album title listed as "same", which basically means "self titled".

In any case, the reason why I specified the "CD" button is that there are also two other buttons for "Adipocere" and "Oakenshield" which have more releases listed under those respective labels. That's where I found my Diabolical Masquerade. :grin:
They have English instructions for shipping. Write them an e-mail listing what you want, they'll get back to you with confirmation in stock and shipping cost (they do it by weight to your location). Once all confirmed, you can send international money order or cash, but I couldn't be bothered with all that and just called them up with my credit card. That way they just pack it up and ship it off immediately.