this artist known as Neige

Celestia's "Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre" is very good (on one listen in so far).

So far I like it more than Peste Noire, but it's still early days. For sure, Celestia is a little more conventional so there's no doubt PN takes a while to dig into.
Some of Neige's screams are downright startling. A lot of the music pulls you in and kind of lulls you into a relaxed state and then BAM!

Holy shit what the hell was that?!?

If I recall correctly the track Dueil Angoisseus (Christine De Pisan, 1362-1431) off of the Peste Noir album contains one such scream.
i dig on Peste Noire. havent listened to the Celestia yet, but A Cave Full of Bats was nifty.

who hear has Mortifera?
for $8 at Dark Symphonies, how can you not buy it? definitely similarities to Mortifera. but it must be known among all the Neige knob-schlobbing that Celestia does not feature Neige
Both Mortifera and Celestia are Noktu projects. Neige just happened to contribute vocals to Mortifera, but otherwise it's Noktu all the way. Noktu also played session bass for Peste Noire which happens to feature Neige on guitars but he also does some vocals alongside main vocalist Famine.

In all actuality, the only projects you can truly say belong to Neige are Alcest and Amesouers, and both of those are only EP releases to date.

(Actually, Alcest previously had a demo out, Tristesse Hivernale, featuring 4 songs, none of which appear on the Le Secret EP).

If you are a true Neige fanboy, you will own a copy of the Alcest demo. Only 300 in existence.