This could be fun ...

me and a friend met two German girls this past weekend ... one looked VERY german ... little thick and blonde :D

the other was a cutie, brunette, short and just spunky as hell.
needless to say I got super thrashed and probably started talking about eine kleine nachtmusic or something ... hehe

we got dissed :(
okay lets make fun of the baby by dressing him in supple leather pants, a tyrolean hat and fuzzy slippers :)
Awww... :grin:

lizard said:
what do I remember about Berlin .... the aforeposted Berliner Weisse, of course the Brandenburg Gate, the wall (this was a while ago when I was on vacation from Muenchen), the Ku-damm, and the memorial church.
oh and two friends of mine and I made the political statement of pissing on the wall.
So the usual touristy stuff... :tickled:

The places I ended up with all my friends from abroad are that cozy Irish pub in the district of Kreuzberg, "The Old Emerald Isle", and the club that I used to work for, the "K17": And of course we always had "traditional" Berlin food: kebab and falafel. :dopey:
snow2fall said:
@lurch: You learnt your lesson... Don't mess with German girls! ;)
Mozart was Austrian, maybe that's why they laughed when you mentioned his "Kleine Nachtmusik"... :rolleyes:

hehe ... was thinking more about Venom than Mozart :tickled:
lizard said:
you know what, we have a restaurant in the city that calls itself Schmidt's German Village, and you know what they call their sausages? Bahama Mamas! Have you ever heard of such blasphemy.

Need a recipe for Spätzle or some ready-made stuff? I keep sending German chocolate over to a friend in Maryland, and he pays me back with either Old Bay Seasoning or CD-Rs. :D

Haha, I even have Venom's "Black Metal" somewhere. I put it on when I need a good laugh... Works perfectly. :tickled:
lizard said:
hey a spaetzle recipe would be cool.....
Ok, here goes... Practice your German! :D

(für 4 Personen)


500 g Mehl, Salz, 4 Eier, 1/4 l Wasser
Zum Kochen: 2 l Wasser, Salz


Mehl in eine Schüssel geben. In die Mitte eine Mulde drücken, Salz, Wasser und Eier hineingeben. Von der Mitte her einen glatten Teig rühren, 30 Min quellen lassen.
Wasser mit Salz in einem großen Topf aufkochen. Spätzleteig portionsweise auf einem mit kaltem Wasser abgespülten Spätzlebrett glattstreichen. Mit dem Messer Spätzle in das kochende Wasser schaben und 5 Min kochen lassen. Hin und wieder umrühren. Wenn die Spätzle an die Oberfläche steigen sind sie gar.

Got it?! :p