This forum needs more cowbell...

Yep, ordering Maiastru Sfetnic from Tribalchemy, I'll check out the site later for others, thanks.


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The thoughts of a bored man on a boring afternoon:

"Sometimes I wish I was dead. No wait, not me, you."

I spent 2 hours in an AOL metal chatroom last night. I found the meaning of life therein: call everyone gay.

Maybe if I start noticably sleeping at work they'll fire me and I can live off unemployment for awhile.

I can't wait to go to my girlfriend's apartment tonight, drink beer and scotch, and watch her big screen TV while she's at work all night.

= !:kickass:
I drank half a bottle of
while watching Natural Born Killers last weekend, I think I'll try to keep the impending festivities calm for this weekend.

Fucked up pic of the week:
Because I QUIT remember!? :erk: I can enjoy cigars without inhaling still, but smoking a cig without inhaling is sort of pointless.
No I mean, I would just avoid the whiskey altogether. If I don't want to smoke, I have to avoid alcohol at all costs, so I'm amazed that you're not just fighting the urge to light up when drinking whiskey. For me, it kind of ruins the enjoyment of drinking having that constant urge.

By the way, this happens much more with Whiskey. I can easily have a few beers without needing a smoke.
If I ever have to avoid whiskey I'll just end it all right then and there. Nicotine urges are very infrequent for me now, I can't even remember the last time I had one, but drinking really doesn't bring them on, thankfully.
Insomnia is cool, but it sorta sucks when you can't stay awake the next day at work. D'oh.

If this doesn't give me nightmares I don't know what would:
If I were a little boy, even if I were one that enjoyed taking it up the pooper, I'd still say "get away from me Creepy Skin Guy!!!"
Sorath said:
I bought all of mine (Possibly not the latest, can't remember where I bought that) at including the demo (Under the name "Wiccan Rede").
CAUTION! Entering that site may result in severe loss of money.
yes, Ledo Takas got them from me ;), but his list is worth a check indeed, as he has tons of good stuff.
I didn't sleep tonight, so I expect sleep to hit me soon. Unfortunately I'm in school now.

I was going to make a joke about Michael Jackson, but you stupid americans use paper bags (WHY without the handles?) instead of proper white plastic ones, so it wouldn't work.

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