This forum needs more cowbell...

You know what this forum needs?


Did any of you happen to catch the recent episode of SNL with Queens of the Stone Age? During their first song (I think it was "Little Sister") Will Farrell came out in that costume and basically grooved out on a cowbell for the entire tune (he was hosting). Needless to say, I laughed my fucking ass off- and QOTSA rule(d).
NO and I have NEVER seen Queens live in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. :mad:

I have some bootlegs though, damn they're good.
Yeah, I have a bootleg from Sweden- good shit. They came here not that long ago, and I spent WEEKS trying to scrape up some money and a ride to the show, but no dice. After 20 days after the show, I got to know this girl from my school (we ended up going to prom together) and she explained that she had an extra ticket the entire time, and after the show they even got to meet Josh Homme and talk to him for a little bit. My timing is ALWAYS fucked.
Yeah I remember that. I have that Sweden one (I think everyone does), but I also have a really kickass one from Chicago, if you want a copy PM your address or some crap.

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