This forum needs more cowbell...

*sigh* For the first time in my 5 years at this job, I'm completely caught up. Probably won't last more than a few days, but I'm freakin' BORED.


I'd rather have this guy's job (Nigerian bill collector), at least I'd get a pet hyena out of the deal. :heh:
ah, saturday night and nothing to do!
sick of my friends, sick of partying, sick of sitting around doing nothing, sick of working, sick of reading, sick of the internet, sick of masturb.... well...

i need a vacation. california, the beach, somewhere where there are scantily-clad girls...
You better give me a ring if you visit Cali. Watch, you'll come out here the week I'm in Wyoming. :lol:

Been bored all day but I'm apparently meeting some hot chick my bro knows. And if not, he's gonna come over here and bring beer! Beer is the second best thing to naked womens! Speaking of which...

i'd LOVE to take a road trip out there sometime. hang out around LA for a few days. get drunk. and such.

i need to get back to meeting hot chicks. first summer back from college sort of sucks. i need a damn woman, if nothing else, to waste my time i would otherwise spend being bored.

as of now that shower chick will have to suffice!
I think her name is Dasha, some porn chick. She's from Slovakia or the Czech Republic, I forget. Either way she's from what used to be (wait for it) Czechoslovakia!

Yeah been single for several months now, it's kinda weird. Fooled around with a few chicks but going from getting laid once a day to once a month or less kinda sucks. Dasha helps me out in my time of need though. :loco:
One day I'll be able to play the cowbell like a professional:


This is too advanced for me just yet.
Dasha's one of the few pornstars I wouldn't mind risking an itchy dick for.

Hmm. Maybe.
Hey BWD if you come out to Calfornia just remember we get some pretty crazy summer storms out here. Just look what happened to my porch!!!

The Kayo Dot board just taught me that you can reply blank posts now. Spammer Delight is at hand.

This was the best pic I could find searching for "stupid pictures" and was on page 8 of results. The internet disappoints me.
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First slow day all week so now I'm bored. My options are to file, start next weeks projects, or dick around for the next 4 hours before I go home.

There is a big wedding in Vegas this weekend, so almost every coworker in my area is gone or leaving shortly. So I'm going to be stuck being here on this wonderful rainy day where I should be out driving in the middle of nowhere listening to Brave Murder Day. Instead
stuck like a chicken
'bout to be plucked
but I guess I didn't know
and my head's about to 'splode
what the fuck
am I here?
what's this day today?
fuck you sister
if she's hot
no god damn way I'm gay.

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